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Nofap tips
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I'm coming to my wits end with this shit. I'm getting tired of feeling drained and passionless towards what I used to love. I want to write again. I want to enjoy playing games again. I want to wake up and not feel like I got to fap first just to get out of bed. I want to feel something other then nothing.

The thing is when I try I always fall right back in. I've made it three days and I saw some cleavage and suddenly got horny I thought I would collapse. I left and had to drive home but the urge would go away! I couldn't fight it and I felt so disgusted with myself. The moment I got home, I had to jerk it.

How do you guys deal with these urges? How do I get a life back?
161 replies and 80 files omitted.
Day 40 is coming up soon. The last 10 days have been high energy for me, but it hasn't been fun. I have a burning desire to change. I think a lot of the "benefits" from nofap come from making oneself uncomfortable enough that it triggers some kind of self-reflection. Still, it's been better than it has in a long time.

Had another damn wetdream last night, and it was a lot worse than the last one. No dreams like the previous wetdream, except I woke up to it being fucking everywhere, including my shirt, blanket, and sheets. Absolutely disgusting. So far, there hasn't been a chaser effect or any other negative changes, only more muted today.
Assault on testosterone through porn and pot.
3999 4000 4001
Hey poners, I've been lurking on this website for over three years and to herald my first post I'm going to share how I finally kicked my PMO addiction to help any of you beautiful bastards out there still struggling. After looking at porn for over 9 years, PMOing for over 8 years and trying to quit using my will power since late 2014 I suffered and failed hundereds of times. This was until I watched some mio honda edit video about porn addiction somewhere (I wish I could find it) advertising the easypeasymethod (dot) org. So, over the course of a week I read the (relatively short) online book freed myself by clarifying that there is nothing to be sacrificed in giving up porn. This is why the will power method tends to fail, as you're moping over missing out. Once you understand all the false ideas you've adopted, such as it being insurmountable or that you're not good enough or that you desire it. If you desire it why do you want to quit so badly? I hope this helps any of you degenerates out there struggling to quit as I finally have.

We're all going to make it.
I’m happy you were able to Quit anon. I’m not so sure if I’ll be able to or not though for me it’s been 15 years since I first got addicted. I want to be the first one to welcome you. And have a great time here. Thanks for the post.
Um…. What’s PMO?
It's a free epub or pdf and a slick online read. I would recommend. Going to post in the lit thread due to it being an active curative for addictions of any kind.
The reasons and fundamental backings of principals that the author unknowingly/knowingly taps into is quite real and effective especially for anyone. The fact that the application is a great means that as a tool can be reused as the component parts for other activities.
Just read the book in its entirety, read and understand it, be free.
>>>/mlpol/312895 →
Break the cycle, destroy the rooted catalytic infestation.
Assuming that OP will ever see this post, you must know that masturbating is completely awful because it doesn't benefit towards anything in your life, it is sinning against your own body and is sexually immoral regardless of whatever you masturbated to. People will say that it doesn't matter if you jerk off but they fail to realize how hard it can be to stop and is quite like smoking, it may not seem as much of a death sentence as you would breathe killer air that wasn't meant to be brought into your lungs but the consequences are still the same.

As you jerk off to more and more porn your dopamine receptors become num and you have to get into different kinds of things which might make you feel less of a "normal" person and therefore can be hard to ask family members or real life friends for help but you must try to find someone you know and tell them about your problem so that they can help.

Many young men are suffering from loneliness and are slaves to media and live surrogate lives, playing vidya all day going on discord chats with people they call their "friends" they feel that they must escape loneliness and cannot deal or cope with it and don't mind it even if it is time consuming, whatever they can do to escape their loneliness but the truth is being lonely is a strength and shows masculinity, also not being able to cope with loneliness is one of the reasons why many young men are being groomed by trannies/internet guys to get into things that aren't normal.

If you flee from these it all and realize that you can do better things with your time, good health will come to you, which leads me to my final question to ask which is, who are the people you associate yourself with, be it online or in real life and ask are the things that they do reflect on who I am for being around with them, the answer is yes because bad associations spoil useful habits.

If you flee from the things that consume your time, talk to people who have good morals and they aren't reminding you of sex by jokes you will find that you can enjoy life more with the relief that there is no immorality in it and you are a clean person who isn't a slave to what is bad, obscenity includes the images you have saved, websites or any other things that you see online which are obscene, all of it must be removed and if you can get rid of it all you'll find how much easier it is to resist masturbation now that you removed what tempted you from you life, I myself was a former clopper faggot knew that masturbating was wrong but never considered that my associations had to do with me being a disgusting coomer but I learned to hate sexual immorality and not be its slave.

I really do hope this helps you OP and to keep searching for a better meaning of life and what our purpose is.
4017 4091 6355
It's weird how anti-nazi memes so frequently try to accuse nazis of doing some of what leftists do.
Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals blame the other for what you do.
It's because they lack ground realistic representations of the world.
So no it's not weird it's the guide they live by since the dawn of mankind. You understand that this has been going on since it started right?
I do understand.
It's all so... massive. And obvious once you know what to look for.
A leftist brainwashed into seeing racism would probably say the same thing about things that literally cannot be seen with but "must" be believed in anyway. Like imaginary racism from whites that "has" to be blamed for every failure of a nigger.
But even when raised lefty there are holes in the narrative you're trained not to look at or think about. Think hard enough and the house of cards comes crashing down, all the lies built on lies fall apart.

It begins.
4092 4093
The absolute state of hypocrisy that I see on a daily basis, I believe it is important to address these issues so that we can cut the crap it is so obvious that they are mocking such great ideals and associating it with degeneracy and what they get in return for this.
Agreed. They get fucked in the ass with these two flags staring down at them. There is no place for them anywhere.
4100 4367 4657
I don't understand lefty memes.
They don't make any sense.
Jews are evil and they pretend to believe retarded contradictory shit so they will always have an excuse. This shit also dupes the mentally-lazy into serving jewish evil and signals to the naturally evil that this is the biggest and safest evil group to join and serve.
It's impossible to reason with evil. Don't try to understand lefty memes, they aren't arguments. They're tools for brainwashing the retarded and reinforcing lies in the brainwashed. One minute they love homosexual degeneracy and the next they giggle and pretend their enemies are the degenerate homosexuals.
Lefties are weapons of war created by the jews and their existence outside of padded cells is a war crime.
This thread is inspiring for me to take on non fap challange
In my past when I used to serve as conscript in my nation's army during boot camp I didn't fap through all of it (6 weeks)

Couple months back I have did test to see how my brain reacts to non fap. And I noticed strong urges come at start and at end of week. But if I resists it I know that it will be eazier to march forward.

Like some have pointed out being idle (Or bored) makes you want to act more on your urges which would make you fail non fap. Additional when you have urges resisting migth not be enough, so another thing is to remove temptations.
You would say porn is everywhere, how to do it ? Well just make it harder for you access porn when compered to something else you want to do. Idk how if it is in west how I have seen but everything is very sexualized, and even lewd text (which could be enough for you to bust nut) is eazily avaible.
What I would propose is to plan your day in such matter there you wouldnt have enough time to fap. If you really want you can fill your day fully, one ways is getting some shoes and just doing exploring of your local area. And choosing more difficult terrain, like hills and rivers. Additional think about going to gym and self improvement. Also lastly if you have anger issues, try some figthing sport to release excess energy.

If you do a'lot of stuff you will notice that you don't really have even time to think about fapping, plius you are improving yourself and thus raising your sexual market place value. And that could lead to girl approaching you.

Now persoanlly I want to quit porn entirely. Since I think it is useless and possibly just fuels impossible fantazies.
The only possible down side I see, is that I migth not last a long in bed, if I don't have regular fapping sessions
You can't force a meme. Liberals are usually narcissistic and lazy.

I know why!
Because Leftists rely on several layers of deception to be okay with the constant lies without upsetting other contradictory lies they also rely on, their memes need to be WORDSWORDSWORDS to establish what you have to believe currently before the "observational comedy" or "joke" makes any kind of half-logic.
Meanwhile we can make jokes with as few words as possible, watch this:
"Anti-capitalist shirts for sale".
>for sale
I get it.
>Vaush Vs Dr. E. Michael Jones | Is Porn a Net Negative for Society? Debate Podcast
>Dr. E. Michael Jones and Vaush debate whether Porn is negative for Society. Does sexual liberation darken the mind, or enslave the will into debauchery? Can sterile masturbation, fantasized relationships, and detaching sexuality from it's natural order toward procreation really progress society? Does pornography fracture the soul and delete any sense of moral character from the mind of those addicted to it? Is "coombrain" real, and can it lead to obesity, obscenity, intellectual contradiction, and the replacement of offspring with cats? Will censoring pornography literally lead to an epidemic of drift-wood-porn black markets? These immortal modern questions and many more are answered in this stunning debate between an opposing intellect.

why porn is free.png

How does that Vaush faggot still have a career?
Edgy teens with mommy and daddy issues.

That is the reason why I only masturbate to animated ponies.
medium (6).jpeg
Based and pony pilled!
File (hide): 456027714026A2C90DC798A73ECCFD9C-870426.mp4 (850.0 KB, Resolution:608x608 Length:00:00:29, repent.mp4) [play once] [loop]

white girls fuck dogs
Only the feminists.
White Girls Fuck Dogs.mp3
>implying this isn't also the case on the fascist end
Business Dog

I've always been suspicious of the nofap movement, because of the "heartbreaking" stories of having "failed" it, and am especially suspicious of the "no nut" movement, because that means no longer being sexual with a partner, which is quite natural unless there's some weird addiction involved.
It feels like a problem being conjoured by creating a solution to it (nofap movement) by the conspiring hand chafers.
Because the "solution" (not fapping) is close enough to the real problem (pharisees and their poisonous fruits/industries) to feel genuine, it'll focus the attention away from the causes of the problem and towards the more distant and controllable (by them) solution. Thereby, creating/conjouring the problem in the first place by making it seem bigger and more real than it actually is.

The pharisees/satan try to counterfeit/undermine every positive movement/idea/concept/everything, so in the case of "no nut", I wonder if they're trying to infiltrate/undermine a normal relationship between the Western/Christian young whitey stallion and mare with this garbage, because let's face it - statistically non-whitey's aren't going to be listening to (poisoned) fapping/humping advice anyway, they're just going to keep doing what they're doing.

This anon stallion's advice is golden!:
>The first thing they tell you about trying to stop a behavior you no longer want in your life is to stop kicking yourself if you fuck up. (etc.)

My own experience: I used to fap out of boredom or to "wind down" every now and again and maybe after seeing a particularly nice Applejack pose, knowing that it was draining my energy but also just knowing that I could stop.
One day, I thought to myself "fapping is actually unnecessary", so I simply stopped for 6 months without feeling bad or having urges. When I did fap, I thought "whatever, I can do another 6 months, or not if I don't want to, or maybe longer... whatever". No stressing out over things that aren't worth stressing out over.
The world is messed up enough, to waste energy stressing out over things not worth getting upset over.

Also - any stallion (or dog) actually serious about self-improvement will take not fapping excessively as a given anyway, therefore it simply not being a problem, because the focus is on self-improvement, and fapping saps energy that's better invested elsewhere. Therefore, the occasional fap may simply be a minor setback that can be fixed up with some extra oats and a couple of extra lifts or bucks if so desired.
Someone can be the best nofapper anywhere, but will still look like a twig or soy-golem. However, someone genuinely focused on becoming "better", will actually visibly appear that way.

TL;DR: Chill, dude.
>Don't stress and pressure yourself if you fail
I concur that is some solid advice.
Do you know what "fascists" do?
Complain about what the "anti-fascists" do.
And that's it.
Victims who want the jews to stop or be stopped.
7394 7395
Enough is enough. A bunch of little things tried in isolation have all failed, even Easy Peasy, and I am literally getting too old for this shit. But now I'm gonna make it and someone, i.e., (you), are gonna hear about it

Have set up a good blocklist after many years, and have made it so that I have to remove the extension itself to remove the porn blocking.
>block using host file is my friend. Has a few incompletions if I search long enough but LeechBlock covers that for me. Customized version from https://github.com/4skinSkywalker/Anti-Porn-HOSTS-File
>hide my root password
This is key. LeechBlock and /etc/hosts fail on their own, too easy to disable by logging on to root when in coom mode. Of course root password is too precious to lose. So
< Changed root password to a string of random characters
< Wrote down password on notecard
< Take note card to work and hide it there
< Need root? Bring laptop to work
With this I have no way of giving in, unless I take the card back home, or drive to work in the grips of a fitful urge, or something more extreme.
>Keep busy
Idle hands are the devils plaything and all. In horny mode, I would put porn before useful personal development. Now with porn hard to access I turn the tables, and let productivity smash the urges.
The blogpost is part of the plan. Going to bring some traffic to this board quasiweekly. Will let y'all know how bad the urges get. I haven't been on a streak longer than 10 days in years.
I've intellectually returned to Christianity and internalizing the Faith should seal the demons away. But I know I'm prone to temptation and a Confession without a plan of action is meaningless penance, so I place this as the last step, once I'm well on my way. The step that seals Satan away for good.

Ninety days >>3466 before I even THINK about relaxing on any of these steps. LFG
Did you recieve the Holy Spirit by obeying the Law?
Or was it the result of hearing The Good News and believing that to be true?
Galatians 3
So the two questions are these:
>"From whom did the set of actions come from?"
>"Are you walking with The Holy Ghost?"
I've had/having a strange ride. What is generated by me as the flesh to solve the flesh problems, doesn't stick.
What occurs with The God is transformative. Very specifically by doing everything in fellowship with the Holy Comforter, Jesus and the Holy Father.
I've been gaining in experiences it's by the grace of God and His Mind, The Holy Ghost education, knowing when and where and how I go try doing something (anything) without God.
With God, He confirms what He says. That's for our sake.
Alot of the time by worldly standards, once something is presented its automatically taken up and going about a set of actions.
It's an issue, as it's making increasing more complex means of digging deeper what's presented. Into a question of what additional out of the box loops are there to jump through.
It gets out of hand.
By asking and talking with and trusting and cooperating with God and Jesus' COMPLETED WORK there's a different option than the one presented by those attempting to be without God in the midst working together.
God has amazing and great things in store for you. He has more thoughts about us, about you, than sand in the world.
His yoke is light.
Come to Him and rest. He got this.
Together you'll know what you do.
I'm in a similar situation, friend. My brain dodges EasyPeasy bullets like neo, though I have made some progress lately(few almost-week long streaks of abstinence), and am looking forward to reading your posts too.
Hiding the root passwd like that is a great idea though I tinker with my system too much so I can't properly keep my hands busy with those hobbies. What helped, what I read on 8/sig/ a long time ago, is repelling urges by doing a set number of push-ups or sit-ups each time instead. Doesn't always work because of lack of self-coomtrol but when it does it does.
Tried my hand at composing music and somehow got myself busy on it for an entire week, some asked if I was okay because I didn't even log into steam at all during that time. Another thing was programming but I didn't hold onto that for long sadly.
Good luck!
7415 7416
Thanks Anon. Similar to you I find it almost impossible to go more than a week. Guess we're both pretty far down the rabbit hole. Climbing out will take effort and will. Glad you're here.
>Hiding the root passwd like that is a great idea
Thanks, it was going great all week except today I clicked for a terminal window and saw that I never logged out of my root session from last week. I was blindsided with unexpected root access and I tore down my barriers. Another afternoon lost to the goon. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT

Today's disaster aside, the plan is still solid. Keeping busy is helping. I'm developing a personal finance plan (which I could have finished today FUCK). I have some crypto and this week has been good. Thinking the bulls are in charge for a while, for stocks and crypto.

>repelling urges by doing a set number of push-ups or sit-ups each time instead
Good idea. I also like the idea of praying to St. Michael.
>Tried my hand at composing music
>Another thing was programming but I didn't hold onto that for long sadly.

>God has amazing and great things in store for you.
Thank you Anon. Belief is difficult for me. I have a long road back to God but I will walk it.

Well now barriers are back up, and the root session has been closed, for real. Ninety days. LFG take 2.
>I have a long road back to God but I will walk it.
<Too long didn't read. You're already with God. Rest in Him.
Sorry bro, but I have to correct that misunderstanding.
Ackqually, Jesus already finished the work. It's all on Him and what He did for you (us all).
Come home.
Talk it out with Jesus as soon as possible. One thing is that the fruit of the spirit includes self-control, it is Him working within you (us all).
While anyone can say and try going and doing it alone, making an attempt, it's better to cooperate with God.
That being you believe in Jesus' finished work on the cross and accept His payment in blood and that applies to you. He's got the heavy lifting, His yoke for you is lighter than without.
>What do I mean?
He's covered your sins, He said it's finished He did it on all sin ever.
Just walk boldly into the throne room son of God, friend of Jesus, saintly sibling, dwelling place of The Holy Ghost of God.
His work remains and lasts forever.
You're already home, He brought you at His own expense, rest in Him.
Take off those heavy weights, Jesus already lifted them for you. You never have to have to obey the lies of the world ever again.
He is with you, inside and outside and within and even deeper and more.
Spend a moment to realize that God, Jesus, The Holy Ghost, The Father is with you always.
Even in the midst of sin, look to Jesus. Even as whatever is playing or being done, He's stretching out His hands to help you and have you realize you're home with a holy hug.
He'll place it under your feet, you partake in Jesus' victory because He's sharing it.
He washed you.
He wants you to have the inheritance. He wants you in His family.
He's continually knocking, you only need to open up for Him.
>Today's disaster aside, the plan is still solid.
It's what counts.
>I also like the idea of praying to St. Michael.
Will try that. I have prayed before to God but shall do it more frequently
Some (fairly generic?) very fast electronic music, in the style of 2000's action racing games. For me it took quite a while to start, and the goal is to make myself used to using a tracker (schismtracker). I thought about making a thread, basically like bale, where anons could come together and we could make an album. Depending on how many would participate I think everypony would be free to have multiple songs. But it's just a thought
C, though I will finally start doing POSIX shell scripting because it's ridiculous to have gone so long without it. A little art project is underway too, getting into pencil drawing again.
>Well now barriers are back up, and the root session has been closed, for real. Ninety days. LFG take 2.
Good luck poner. I have failed since my last post but I won't let that discourage me. I won't goon for long. We'll be free from these shackles!
Go chop hot peppers without gloves. That should prevent you from fapping.
That's the rub. You get eternal existing always.
And that's not living life.
I brought the root password card home from work today and the collapse was automatic. Frighteningly so. Like my conscious self just surrendered the moment I sat down and let the subconscious gooner take over. Well, ninety days is in ninety days again. It really is going to take that long to effect a reset, I think, and I must learn to internal active defense.

>Some (fairly generic?) very fast electronic music, in the style of 2000's action racing games.
I don't know much about that. I once tried my hand at composing classical music for piano in my late teens, before my life was ruled by the Internet. (Another destructive habit of mine, excessive Internet consumption especially YouTube)
Based. I know enough C that excessive procedural thinking pollutes code I write in object oriented languages. Such code ends up way longer (time and # of lines) than it needs to be.
>I have failed since my last post but I won't let that discourage me. I won't goon for long. We'll be free from these shackles!
Too right we will. Ninety days from your last goon. Mark it on your calendar!