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History is a Lie
158265 163039 165120 165287 169505

Greetings Spoopy Hoersfrens, and a Merry Christmas, a Happy Yule, a most bountiful winter season unto all.

This is a thread Ive contemplated for a couple weeks now, and serendipitously a catalyst has arrived to force my hand.

To start this thread off with holday cheer, I am offering the following video for entertainment and consideration. And totally not as a precursor for something a bit later. When have I ever done that?

This thread is going to focus on a large segment of ideas surrounding the History is a Lie series produced by Armored Skeptic (a youtuber).

This is not an /ourguy/ thread, I'm actually quite intent to take what is useful from his material and apply it pragmatically, while discarding the rest. But I musnt get ahead of myself. All in good time.
317 replies and 113 files omitted.
Refusing to entertain vapid nonsense is not 'mad', where did you get that idea?
164717 164735 165343
OP check the following out. It is just the tip of something big.
>1902: Key to Predicting the Future

The whole series is contained in the following playlist:
164719 164722
Will investigate
In the meantime, heres the latest from the thread namesake series
>Will investigate
Max Igan recommends that guy.
>Jordan Perterstein
>malign narcissism
I think you posted the wrong link.
Shit, right you are. Heres the cprrect link
Okay, the first red flag was the excessively detailed intro graphic, leading into the video, just to sit there staring at the guy cuz he improperly edited the start time of the actual video.
Ngl, not impressed in the slightest. This dude is one of those numerical fags. Not to say theres nothing to numerology, but this guy is just this side of Jim Carrey in the Number 23, pointing to all sorts of "coincidences" to do with dates, years, etc.
He references TONS of 'take my word for it' claims and occurrences(?), WITHOUT citation. Jesus christ, is this how I sound sometimes? Fuck me, Ill work on that.
All in all, I give it a 2/10. I wont claim he's wrong more or less, or perhaps onto something, but his skill as an orator renders this video virtually unwatchable, a least to me.
Thats disappointing, ngl

Shifting gears for a moment, I want post something from today, by Jordan Peterson (NOT by accident, this time).
This video ties in - antithetically - to yesterday's video abouthe whore of Babylon.
The first hing to mention is concept, and this is one I must heavily qualify.
As a self-described Luciferian, I have no idea what JP is talking about. Admitting, my knowing experience with Luciferians - human adherents, that is - a single digit number, and I allow hat there most likely is an over representation amongst actual Luciferiams, to do woth social manipulation, corruption, and materialism. Yes, Im about to "Not a True Scotsman" probably most practicing Luciferians.
Luficerian tradition has absolutely ZERO to do with manipulation, corruption, and ESPECIALLY materialism. Why? Because these things are artificial and false, and diminish the person's relationship with Truth, with Logos.
Luciferianism is an EMERGENT path into which one takes ultimate and personal responsibility for their own emergence in he trifecta: mind, body, and spirit.
It is impossible to prey on others while responsibly and dutifully emerging. It would be like trying to fir a laden camel through the eye of a sewing needle.
More to come, I just don wanna lose wht Ive got so far. Again e_e
A Luciferian does not see themselves as greater than ANYTHING, as this is a LIE. His goes for humans, animals, plants, etc. A Luciferian sees themaelves as operating in a physical framework in which matter necessarily is converted into energy, at the expense of something else.
So, whether animal or plant, a Luciferian has an INCURRED DEBT for the food, resources, and self-preservation that they employ. This is not something that can be absolved, only come to terms with.
When a Luciferian experiences abundance, there are two considerations. 1. Is to maintain - sustainably - the abundance. 2. Is to share ye abundance.
This means BOTH maintaining sufficiency AND dispensing as much largesse as possible.
This is due to the Luciferian perpective of Hierarchy.
The capabilities of two people will never be equal, so one will naturally outdo another in one or more contests.
>To the victor go the spoils
Conventional wisdom says that the producer is entitled to the product. Communist 'wisdom' says that the spoils are to be shared evenly. Nazi wisdom says that he producer has an obligation to provide for the nation and it's people AND themselves as the producer.
This is based on the idea that the producer has already proven their ability to produce, and production is good for the nation and its people. At the same time, they also have a responsibility to maintain the means of production because EVERYONE benefits.
Now, 'everyone benefits' ONLY when everyone is being productive, and people who are unwilling to be productive but have the means to are to be stricken.
THIS is the truth - aside from subversion (a whole chapter of it's own) - behind the jewish expulsion from countless nations. A jew will never work for the benefit of a non-jew.
I digress. He point is to emphasize: a Luciferian producer does not horde or amass in any material sense. In fact, the few I know are broke, because they are constantly reinvesting their produce!
I digress. He point has been to suggest that:
1. Much as I appreciate his work, JP is woefully misinformed about the fundamentals of Luciferianism. I dont contest the truth of his words regarding particular Luciferians, nor that they are in the probable majority. But the BEHAVIORS he attributes to Luciferians is as intellectually consistent as lumping ALL feminists together and tarring them that they're ALL like 3rd wave feminists (which was successfully accomplished by plenty of groups.
And thats the problem.
Everyone is agreeing with wht 'Luciferians do' without taking the time to learn what Luciferianism is actually ABOUT, from which one can observe one or more and be able to distinguish between legitimate (ardent, consistent, etc) practitioners from false ones.
And this is a position I maintain for EVERY religion; the number of legitimate adherents is ALWAYS but a fraction of the 'whole'.
>Everyone is agreeing
Not necessarily true.
Fair. Though obviously hyperbolic I should have gone with:
>with exception, everyone
But that doesnt refute my point. "Everyone" "knows" that 'Luciferians are le bad', but their "knowledge" is based on rumor, off hand account, and LIBERAL biased/unsubstantiated report/interpretation. The reputation Luciferians 'enjoy' bears not the slightest resemblance to what a 'devout' Luciferian 'is'.
To wit, imagine being a conservative who is castigated by everyone, and when the charges are read, what is deacribed is the actions of a militant leftist.
To wit, I imagine Brett Kavanaugh comprehends this phenomenon.
Epona_ Hidden Goddess of the Celts - P D MacKenzie Cook.pdf
Peterson was a self-proclaimed atheist for years, at least on paper. He trusted in the 'cult of personality, oft used by apologists, virtually the same as those whom worship Tiny Dick Mao, Stalin, that crippled swekike FDR, Carter, Fauci, Killary Klinton, Schwab, etc. etc. etc. He did not, and does not, understand that the Satanic Bible, as well as Anton LaVey's Luciferianism, are a set of symmetrical moral guides based on the Golden Rule dating back to Middle Empire Era Babylon: "do to others what you would have done unto you". In other words: don't be a nigger and expect to be treated like a kang.

Both sides, along with numerous morally convergent atheistic, mock the irrational, hyper-superstitious judeo-immorality of the babble. Ever read the torah? Guess what: that's the first five books of your "bible", except that most of the "bible" is backwards. Start reading at 'revelation', end at 'genesis', you'll start to see the problems. Ever read any mishnash, midrash, or mishnahs? Guess what: most of the ones that mattered were rewritten into 'sermons', 'prayers', and various incidents that have never been accounted for in proper history

Here's a test. Read the following excerpt and ponder whom wrote it:
"Injustice is a sin. Nature has constituted rational beings for their own mutual benefit, each to help his fellows according to their worth, and in no wise to do them hurt.

When those about you are venting their censure or malice upon you or raising any other sort of injurious clamor.. ..it is still your duty to think kindly of them; for nature has made them to be your friends."

Ready to learn whom stated this? Marcus Aurelius in his book 'Meditations'. Yes, a (((pay-again))) naturalist-atheist whom studied religious morality and found little that was agreeable. Specifically, he found the faux-tribalism caused "muh gawd ken beet up UR GAWD" chest thumping to be nothing more than self-righteous ego; "I DO what I DO becuz MUH GAWD SEZ TO".

If one has not read the Satanic Bible, do so. Unless you do, realize this: Peterson does nothing novel by latching onto traditional judeo-xtian apologism and proclaiming his righteous ignorance while at the same time frothing at the mouth about "dem bad goys". Fuck him for being a hypocritical, double-standard, plagiarizing grifter.

Over 100 sun/spring/light/nature deities were recorded as dying at the end of a year in fall or winter, then being resurrected in spring. Thousands of holy days are counted across the world to honor them. For each cultural period, one can find thousands of minute differences between even their own deities. If there is a singular deity in charge of this world, the most reasonable, coherent, and logical one would be Epona. Yes, that is "A Pone" backwards.
>Ever read the Torah
And the Koran, and the Bhagavad-Gita, and whatever book the upanishads are in, and the Tao Te Ching, and dozens of others, more or less scripture, including the Satanic Bible, the Talmud, and Magick (Crowley) to name several
>Marcus Aurelius
Alas, all that came to mind was the Hymn to Jupiter
>A pone
Never noticed that til now
164977 164996
At last, we come to the end of the History is a Lie apocalypse series, and we're going out with a bang. But that wont be for 30 years
In the meantime, I'll turn it over to Armored Skeptic as he finishes his decoding and exploration of Revelations, as well as other apocalypse stories and works which - when correctly decoded - align across traditions, geography, and time.
Pure satanic heresy.
Only to one who has been fed a lifetime of misinformation and incorrect decoding of a sacred text that once represented the pinnacle of human knowledge, the Bible.
164984 164996
"After falling for a cult, a catfish, and changing his religion because of youtube videos, Greg showed everyone how truly incredulous he is by signing a deal to promote an obvious scam site without reading the contract."

I doubt that this guy has our best interests at heart. But to say that someone that scammed people out of money and doxxed them can't give trustworthy information is a fallacy. Perhaps he is just well informed.

Another interesting tidbit of this reveal would be the tree of life is a focal point of the Kabbalah.
Sure, it is in other religions as well. It would be foolish to say it must be that specific interpretation. I mean, it isn't that the Kabbalah, unlike any other religion, actually says that the tree is a metaphor for the universe or something...
"To Kabbalists, it symbolizes that point beyond which our comprehension of the origins of being can't go. It is considered to be an infinite nothingness out of which the first "thing", usually understood among Kabbalists to be something approximating "energy", exploded to create a universe of multiple things.
After the energy of creation has condensed into matter, it is thought to reverse its course back up the tree until it is once again united with its true nature: "Keter". Thus, the Kabbalist seeks to know himself and the universe as an expression of God and to make the journey of return by means of the stages charted by the spheres, until he has come to the realization he sought."
Drat. I sure hope that this Jewish mythos is coming out of ignorance, and he isn't actually of Jewish descent or something like that...

"He read the Bible constantly and believed it to the point where he was willing to follow Biblical Traditions and adopt the beliefs and lifestyle of the Messianic Jews, a type of Christianity that combines many Jewish traditions, even though it was the most craziest version of Christianity and followers of the faith itself are known to live in off-grid mountain communities."

Well, fuck. So now we have a bit of a problem. OP is suggesting that the Jews are both right and the one performing called himself God and has revealed part of the Jewish Kabbalah to follow. Do we pursue this, despite the contradictions in the text, all to ignore them for this metaphorical interpretation that just so happens to align with Jewish supremacy? Perhaps we can learn something from it. But to call it the truth and the Bible is misinformation when it contradicts the Jewish story being told to us, that everything is secretly Kabbalah... that's just insane.
I take it you missed his clear Baphomet gestures?
Nope, he has been doing that from the beginning though. I was referring to this specific episode and giving references. That way it can't just be dismissed as a coincidence.
164992 165020
Just making sure you're not a hit and run
So, wikipedia is pozzed and ED isnt cuz... reasons? Your doubts are quaint though.
>tree of life
Yes, if you arent programmed to think that not-bible = the devil (thats esp funny if one has grasped te series) then perhaps one can grasp the wisdom of the tree of life, such that even the jews opted to assimilate rather than burn.
You really dont understand your adversary. You think you do, which is why you fail.
Same goes for Kaballah, btw, and you lot languish in ignorance, on pretense of emergence and righteousness. If you knew your folly, you would be ashamed. But of course, better to see the devil in a mirror, right?
Would you like another source?
"As a child, Fluhrer was a member of a Messianic Jewish cult. Fluhrer describes the members as very nice people, but extremely deluded."

>Everything that is not the Bible = devil
Thus, me referencing the exact interpretations from the Kabbalah that connects to the video is irrelevant because.... reasons? How so? He said the tree of life means the energy of the universe creates matter and through it we express ourselves as an extension of God. This is mirrored perfectly in both the video and the reference I provided. It is like he is getting his information from this type of source.

>Jews opted to assimilate
That doesn't speak to the credibility of the source. After all, everyone says that the Bible is Jewish propaganda and since they use it, it must be evil... so what is the excuse for this religion? Because it makes everything Jewish Kabbalah? Seems like a lateral move. I would take Epona over this.

>You don't understand your adversary
Well, I know enough to reference the exact area this guy is pulling his interpretations from, which is Jewish. Why are you deflecting if I don't understand? Surely if what I said wasn't true, misleading, or ignorant... you would just reference how it is wrong. Instead, I have the references, the connections, and the evidence and you have namecalling. This is what I would expect in an uneducated Christian, not a well-established arcane student.

>you would be ashamed
>devil in a mirror
Again, more namecalling. Can you actually refute what I have provided? I am not asking for a brilliant destruction of all my points. A simple, you misunderstood his message here and this is why what he is saying isn't Jewish Kabbalah would be nice. Are you capable? If not, this is a sign of ignorance on your own part, projecting it onto people that argue against you. Reminds me of the flat earth thread to be honest. Endless pointing the finger when evidence has been provided and no answer. A shame to be honest.
164997 165020
>can you refute
>more wikis
(OP) >take what is useful from his material and apply it pragmatically, while discarding the rest.
So third party source, ie /vx/, claims the kabbalah is something more fundamental then the Jewish claims on such a thing.
Something called-wait for it-Planetary Magic. Suprise! It uses the Greek or Roman names of the planets and is better in general.
Why? Hebrew mysticism is laced with traps and poison and smoke and mirrors and enough bullshit to seriously hamstring anyone without (((direct and approved))) supervision.
However I'll not get into character study of him.
Keep an eye out to see if he gets wacked at some point.
As above so below. The general description of everything sums up the vital points in regards to the apocalypse message(s).
Too many connections to esoteric matters briefly touched/nudged/hinted/gestured/estimated to not just to through all out.
However caution is advised because when esoteric that actually gets near 'Actual Occult Traditions extending far back in time' the chance that everything is as it is without any kind of fuck ups (intentional or not) is low for those not experienced and practiced. (Kind of like an instrument and a calculator with wacky symbols.)

So brief shitpost on planetary magic (see BearHeart /Grand Order Of the Draco Slayers /Temple of the machete that wins all battles).
The tree of life PLANTARY MAGIC describes the energies and locations and beings that reside there.
Our solar system is made specifically for us (or vise versa but whatever). The energies and behavors of the planets have a correlation here in the physical, mental and spiritual.
Because the Occult is/was supposed to be science just hidden knowledge of the phenomena dressed as stories, fables, myths, magical workings or axioms is a possibility.
Point being, stuff outside our solar system is janky and wack as all get out. Our solar system especially our Sun (physically, metaporically, spiritually, mentally ect) rids the presence of those fucks.
It's as if the rest of everything else was Lovecraftian but a cheap knockoff that a stare a poke and firm no makes them dissolve. We're anti-thetical to their existence.
So they want to remove us. More to the point they want to remove the Sun aka the Light.
In every way possible. Now considering just about everything here yeets them to nonexistence they have a bit of a conundrum.
So the simple solution is proxies. Lots and lots of proxies.
That's not to say they don't try and reach through by force they do that too.
Is just so happens Jews tend to also use proxies (puppets, useful idiots, 'just for the X' ect)
The magnetic happening along with the grand solar minimum with myths and legends that fit together is enough to get my attention raised.
As creator beings (or if you prefer as servants in the image of God) to imitate / create what is above/below (inside/outside, bigger/smaller, left/right, ect) what occurs. However fuckery is abound and the 'chess game' of the world is entering the phase where (((they))) are on a dead line to deliver.
The point being is happening and has been happening. What do?
Steel your body.
Strive for the mental apex.
Realize your soul and spirit.
Use everything you have in the right way with considerations for yourself and surroundings.
Pull your sword from the stone.
Become self governing.
Become the ruler of yourself and your domain.
Respect yourself.
Are you going to answer?

Yes. This biography information is typically on wikis. Do I go a buy a book on his life to generate a better response?
165004 165020
You got your answer
Then you are dogmatic and close minded. I thought you studied this stuff, and the Bible was misinformation. Surely there was a reason you came to that conclusion. Surely it isn't as simple as you are wrong because I don't like it.
165011 165020
>Well then you're a pissy pants
Duly noted. The Bible is a collection of ancient stories, what varies is interpretation. I never besmirched the Bible specifically, what I mocked is people's presumption of an infallible interpretation, based on <200 y/o propaganda.
And still, try
>you're wrong cuz I don't like it
Is that what you see? Then it must be so. Surely your eyes don't deceive you.
165011 165013 165020
Bear witness and understand, ye laymen; I will not spoonfeed. I shall give keys, and what is done with them is up to (you). Whether you try it in a lock or stick it uo ur ass in defiance, has no bearing on me or the content.
And the Kabbalah is absurd Jewish supremacy propaganda that inverses the Bible to their own profit. Your promotion of it is telling that you haven't thought through your belief structure as you have chosen another Jewish medium that uses a Jewish medium to say that all mediums are their own.

>Is that what you see?
If you don't argue your points, that is all there can be. This is the stuff that people mock Christians for, as you admit to. You are taking another ancient story book with various interpretations if you want to take it all as metaphor, then saying it is the key to understanding. The height of hypocrisy that all else is propaganda, when you take your evidence from Jewish sources.

You have implied me to be a hit and run, uninterested in debate, then you moved to dismissal and insults, and now...
you say it is too complicated and you have no reason to argue. This is exactly what a religious fanatic would say, which you denounce in "200 y/o propaganda".

I bear witness to your own damnation as you think yourself elite, above all in understanding, unwilling to share wisdom and unable to give aid to those that seek it. You share a link to a personality that stole from people and was raised Jewish for teaching. You immediately condemn all that argue against you. Yet, you preach wisdom and universal connection. This is folly.
I see you're picking my route. I should remind you I don't exactly claim to be right by that, I can't. Instead, I simply extern my utter indifference to the given discussion.
I'm a spoonfeeder I deliver highly processed gibberish that may or may not be true. Regardless if all else the spoon which is all words of mine can be eaten, but would you give everything over to a person who's error rate is statistically significant who also speaks in multilayered messages across time and space and context and all else?
How deep does the rabbit hole go? Only as far as you need and want and no more for you unless you have need or want to continue.
Is the feed of the spoon a mere challenge? Why not? For that interpretation for (You) might be true too.
Am I just shitposting constantly? Possibly, it's a fun option.
Is it every option? Well that's for you to decide or even if you care.
Lol, Kabbalah predates the Bible, fren
>ur saying ur interpretations are betterer
In simplicity, yes. In complexity, exhaustively. Gotta do the work tho.
>you think you're
I warned about interpretations
>I bear witness to
Cute. Unimpressive, however. A sovereign would not deign to attempt such an assertion, out of self respect. You think you can gripe about not being spoonfed? With credibility? A fool. Can you not see past a video link, and intuit the ourpose of its posting? More difficult, yes. Still a fool.
I dont condemn that they argue against, nor them for it; I dismiss their arguments on their face. And, I do so from a position that affords me the privilege. Its an earned privilege, you probably wouldnt understand. But if you would and would hear from me, your strategy/approach needs work.
Sorry, who are you?
A surprisingly insightful set of posts. Salud
>It predates the Bible
So... even less truth worthy Jewish fables from your own admission, being propagandized by a Jewish scammer? Is that what you are going with?

>you think you can gripe
I think you are unable to provide shit. Clearly if you could, you would. But you say you can't be bothered, when nothing would prevent you other than your own lack of understanding or disinterest, which speaks volumes to the reliability of your religion. If you don't give a damn, then why should I?

>I don't condemn
>hit and run
>quoted a source, ugh
>you got your answer, dismissal
>ancient stories, despite using ancient stories
>propaganda despite referring to propaganda
>Bear witness, I will not spoonfeed

Yes, you clearly condemned me from the outset. You did not even give an ounce of argumentation. You just have blind faith.

>I dismiss their arguments
Clearly without argumentation. Your dismissals are that of a child. No facts, no counters, just namecalling and avoiding the questions.

>I do so from a position that affords me the privilege
A position in authority that you can't debate or question that shows the truth to a lesser people group... hmm... where in the hell have I heard that before? It couldn't be any corrupt religious order at all. Certainly not.

>an earned privilege you probably wouldn't understand
I would if you would actually respond once in your life.

>your strategy needs work
All things in life can be improved, but I think it did a fine enough job at revealing the truth of who you are.
The only thing that holds this place together it seems.
Bullshit aside, I heard hit&run and I couldn't resist, sorry. Irony ain't lost on me.
165027 165028 165030
>less worthy
And yet, they knew it to be of intrinsic value, such that its inckusion persists, while outliving the Torah. Yep, nothing to see here.
No, not an argument.
>I think
Evidence not forthcoming, and not requiring validation/refutation.
No, (you) condemned yourself, I responded in kind.
>clearly without argumentation
Oh? Is there a standard then? Perhaps a bible I can swear on or some such? Would that 'authenticate'?
>position of authority
Do you comprehend the word? Its not a hard one.
>respond dammit, reeeee
No. For one, you havent established your sovereign right to Know. Thats important, btw. One cant just 'demand', one has to comprehend *why* they have a right to know and THEN articulate it. You've failed both criteria, thus far. For two... we'll get to that.
Ive made no illusion of myself or my actions/intent, and have been orders of magnitude more transparent than those who have clung to arbitrary designations of 'status' or whatever they desire to call it. You have wasted your effort in getting me to repeat myself.

Bully. Perhaps you havent yet learned that w
Eh, Im leaving it in. It was a discarded argumrnt
Now there is a right to know. Any other religion worth a damn is open and free to research and asking will get you all info you desire. I guess you, the priest of Kabbalah, have turned me down because I am not worthy because I questioned you. I consider this a mark of honor. I did everything you claimed I could not, while you proved yourself to be the substance of everything you thought Christianity was.

This isn't state secrets. It is supposed to be a religion. Secrets in religion is how you build corruption. And you are the best example of that. You claim to have something important, but you have nothing. If that wasn't the case, you would reveal it. If you choose to withhold it and you did have it, you either do it to spite those that question, or you do it to keep those answers to yourself and your chosen. This is corruption.

>I have been more transparent
What are you smoking? You have denied explaining anything about yourself. You link some videos, say it is true, then get fussy when people call out a problem.

>you wasted your effort in getting me to repeat myself
All you do is repeat yourself. You never say anything new. You never explain yourself. You never have a conversation. It is your way or the highway. If that is how it is, I want nothing to do with whatever you are offering.
Priest nothing. I have studied and have comprehended. Am I a priest of Islam because I comprehended the Koran? Foolishness.
You are not worthy by your own hand, not mine. The petitioner has a responsibility. Yours is not met, simple as. Cry moar.
If you know not of my transparency, you should lurk moar.
>Its your way or the highway
Oh, you have me confused with staff, lol
A priest governs the relaying of the information in the religion. You are the self-appointed priest by your own admission. You get to judge who does and doesn't get to be taught it. You have deemed yourself the right to judge who is worthy or not. Your own words.
"For one, you havent established your sovereign right to Know."

I have simply asked why this is extremely Jewish. You have determined this to mean that I am not to be answered and to be ignored. Why are you afraid to answer this question? If it is true, then there is nothing to fear.
Incorrect. I judge who is worthy of a spoonfeeding; anyone can learn.
What do you mean when you say extremely jewish? Be thorough.
The fact that the video you linked is directly tied into the Jewish Kabbalah tree of life explanation of the universe, while claiming the Bible secretly points because of a Roman execution method. This is subversion, which is fitting by the presenter being Jewish and has conned people out of money. So, I conclude that this information is dubious at best, and harmful likely seeing what the Kabballah promotes.
Congratulations, you fail basic decoding. And you wonder why no spoonfeeding.
Congrats, you failed to respond. And you wonder why I call you a priest.
What more is needed than to indicate where you have rendered yourself unfit?
How is my claim rendering me unfit? What even is the meaning of unfit? Why can't you answer the question, flat earther? How long are you going to deflect?
You do not recognize yourself as a petitioner, and so you make demands. Comprehend that.
What did I do to be unfit? That I didn't immediately accept what was told to me? It is oddly similar to Jewish Kabbalah. Why? Answer the question.
The answer is encoded, have fun
The answer is that you are avoiding the question, flat earther. There is no reward for dodging like this. You have the opportunity to give answers to people that are curious. You can't even do that.