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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
751 31887 103575 104116 104641 106452 116799 121571 122574
This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 609 files omitted.
88621 89600 116138
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.

I recall that the FBI investigated many UFO models. I have not looked closer but if this molten meteor idea is correct they will report a nondescript disk which is passed off as a child's toy or model and forgotten. It isn't the FBIs job to think up weird science. That's my job. :P

Is my idea challenging your preconceived notions? It's always exciting when that happens to a researcher!

The same short-sightedness happened in 1946 with the ghost rockets: See pics.
Source: http://www.cufos.org/UFO_History_Gross/1946_Ghost_Rockets_3EDR.pdf

The evidence continues to mount on the side of my hypothesis. I especially like the soap bubble!!

1947 meteor shower science paper 1947MNRAS.107.png
1947MNRAS.107-Taurids sky 1947.jpg
>This daylight activity continued throughout July and August [1947], and comparison with the known major showers indicates that it is without precedent in extent and duration.

Title: The Daylight Meteor Streams of 1947 May-August
Authors: Clegg, J. A., Hughes, V. A., & Lovell, A. C. B.
Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 107, p.369
Bibliographic Code: 1947MNRAS.107..369C


Why daylight? I propose because 2002 XM35 hit Mercury is 1946. Mercury is close to the sun always.
Should I stop?
mail to? Send a public key or we can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocat
89600 104342
Thermite reactions in molten meteors:
>Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminium, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminium is common because of its high boiling point and low cost. Oxidizers include bismuth(III) oxide, boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV) oxide.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite

How will the gaseous Mg act in the molten meteors in space?
>Without buoyancy, the vapor produced by boiling simply floats as a bubble inside the liquid after the heating has stopped. Surface tension effects cause the many small bubbles produced to coalesce into one large sphere. (pic)
- https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast07sep_2/

And to go over the top:

>Iron-magnesium-silicate perovskite may be slightly buoyant while above 60GPa. [600,000,000HPa or 600,000 atmospheres]
-- MELTING OF IRON-MAGNESIUM-SILICATE PEROVSK1TE by Jeffrey S. Sweeney and Dion L. Hein (10.1029/93GL00556) https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/93GL00556

Superconductor effect? (25Mg is 5/2+ spin and 10% naturally occurring in all of Mg) or magnesium plasma/gas?
87745 122672

Never Stop, we Ahnenerbe now
Did the SS have anything on Aliens?

Always be wary of "leaked documents" to UFO researchers. This is how you distract UFO researchers. Remember people looking for UFO answers want to find particular answers, not objective research, when you "leak" to them what they want to see they fall for it every time. I propose above that we have constantly been shown that the 1946-7 flying saucers were molten space rocks. And each time we found those molten space rocks we ignored them because we expected Nazi/Soviet/US aircraft.

Quote about a 1930s "crashed" saucer in Italy:

RS/33 cabinet

The Cabinet RS / 33 is according to a group of Italian ufologists a presumed structure created by Benito Mussolini in 1933 with the fall on June 13 of the same year in Lombardy of a UFO , unidentified flying object. The spaceship would have fallen between Milan and Varese , the occupants and the aircraft would have been transported to Vergiate , in the SIAI-Marchetti workshops.

The letters R and S stand respectively for Searches and specials. Roberto Pinotti , president of the National Ufological Center (CUN) says that the documents concerning the existence of this program have been sent anonymously to the Center itself. Pinotti wrote various books and articles on the subject.

The institution would have been composed of illustrious scientists of the time led by Guglielmo Marconi with the aim of studying the new phenomena. The RS / 33 cabinet would have worked from 1933 to 1941 under the cover of Benito Mussolini , Italo Balbo and Galeazzo Ciano and under the protection of the OVRA , to avoid the leak of information and otherwise start a debunking , despite this protection, in the 1941 , the data collected by the fascist team were taken by GESTAPO , for the start of a similar Nazi program.

In 1941 Nazi Germany set off a research program, dedicated to the study and construction of these non-conventional aircraft , such as the RS / 33 Cabinet, the technicians supported the hypothesis that these aircraft were part of a secret paraphernalia of the Allies ; the confirmation of the study of these aircraft by the Nazis, was given by the pilot Rudolph Schriever , the Milanese engineer Giuseppe Belluzzo and Andrea Epp .

Among the alleged weapons developed by the fascist team, we can mention the Ray of death (electronic weapon studied superficially by Guglielmo Marconi ), the flying wing, when the program passed to GESTAPO , were developed the V-7 (circular transport) , traded for Ufo for their form after the 50s .

Some of the alleged members of the RS / 33 cabinet were:

Filippo Bottazzi surgeon and experimental biologist of the University of Naples
Gaetano Arturo Crocco aeronautical engineer founder of the Italian company Razzi
Pietro Romualdo Pirotta botanico of the La Sapienza University of Rome
Francesco Severi, mathematician, teacher at the Sapienza University of Rome and at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Giancarlo Vallauri, teacher of electrotechnics and academic ferromagnetism of the Lincei
Francesco Giordani chemist at the University of Naples
Dante De Blasi, a medical hygienist of the universities of Naples and Rome


See also:
https://web.archive.org/web/20050218033457/http://www.cun-italia.net/fasfile/fafil03.htm (pics >>755 )
https://atlantisrisingmagazine.com/article/mussolinis-roswell/ (full story in English)

thanks for the links the archive gives me a 502 error though. what i don't understand is why Il Duce would keep it a secret.

Don't let them get you, anon!
Watch the skies!
_sad appul.jpg
>tfw no Big tidded grey gf
xerogel and cryogel precursor to aerogel.jpg
xerogel and cryogel precursor to aerogel2.jpg
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.

Perhaps this is a thermite reaction. The central magnesium is stealing the oxygen from the silicate. The silicate is acting as thermal insulation like glass fibre batts. The surface silicate/glass/quarts is sealed due to xerogel properties which collapses the openings on the outside. The air friction could have helped this. With the magnesium plasma/gas condensed, between the fibres of silicate, is vacuum, a thermal insulator. This makes it superior to house thermal insulation. Therefore the witness picked up a objected undergoing thermite reaction temperatures. Neat!

Comet 73P was known to flare up in brightness and then disappear. I am suspicious that its constant asteroid belt pass-throughs leads to a slow process of melting -> centrifugal sedimentation -> thermite reaction initiation -> comet outburst.

http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/iauc/06200/06246.html for 73P surprising outbursts.

88085 88086 89600
>Case 211 is interesting yet strange.

Have another:

>Case 383 -- July 6, near Pocatello, Idaho: H. C. McLean, a touring Seattle resident driving through Pocatello, reported by letter to the local paper that he had seen a small disc float slowly to the ground in front of his car just after dawn. He described the disc as about two or three feet in diameter, "about the size of a wagon wheel." It came down on edge, like a wheel in the road. "Something held it upright," he reported, and then moved it forward in "a series of short jerks," each move carrying it a foot or two further. "In the middle of the disc," McLean wrote, "I could made out a bulge, as if a plate had been welded onto the disc, and there were two narrow strips of metal running almost parallel to each other above and below this mid-section." The edge of the disc was surrounded by a tube that had a funnel-like opening at one end, "set into the disc's rim so that the latter could roll freely." After having moved ahead about 20 yards, the object "rose easily and at once began to climb. I examined the place where the disc had landed but it touched the ground so lightly that it left no mark. I am convinced that the disc's flight was controlled, that it gave out signals indicating its position, and that it is harmless."

- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf
88242 89600
>Case 399 -- July 6, Kansas City, Kansas: Miss Barbara Mehner, of 2309 South Glenwood Avenue, in the Intercity District, said she was playing baseball on a field near U.S. Highway 24 when a small, grey disc flew around her. "I was facing west when something flew in from the side," she said. "It was dark grayish, about five inches across and flying two feet from the ground. It flew around me several times, then flew off south a short distance, came back and circled me three or four more times. Then it disappeared."


>Case 501 -- July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania: A close-up observation of two small "objects" was described by Mrs. A. C. Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above the ground. For a period of two minutes, they "bobbed about, merged together, and separated," she said, be fore they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith, the discs were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be "saucers of intense light." She did not believe they were solid objects.

Case 603 -- July 7, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: Eight Gettysburg College couples reported seeing two flights of small objects at low altitude while they were on a Sigma Chi fraternity picnic near the Pennsylvania Monument on the historic battleground. About 3:30 p.m. EDT, five or six small, grey, shiny discs drifted eastward overhead at moderate speed, appearing to roll on edge as they flew. A few minutes later another group of six similar objects flew over in the same direction.

>"Each time they were traveling in two distinct groups," said Frank Toms, a senior at the College. He estimated the size of the discs at six inches in diameter. They appeared to be at an altitude of "about 150 to 200 feet above the ground," he added. Among the witnesses present was Peter John, a sophomore from Camden, New Jersey.

>Case 853 -- July 30, Tamarack, Idaho: John E. Ostrom, of Nyssa, Oregon, was driving an Army truck from Council to McCall, Idaho, on Route 95. At 4:00 p.m. MST, in the vicinity of Tamarack, he suddenly saw a small, silver, ball-like object approaching his truck head-on at a downward angle of about 30 degrees. As he instinctively covered his face with his hands, the baseball-sized object glanced off the roof of the cab, just above the windshield.

>He brought the truck to a halt several hundred yards down the highway and got out to see what damage had been done. The point of contact was perfectly clear, and the metal of the roof of the cab, just above the windshield, appeared to have be en "melted" as if "by some terrific heat." Experts examining the damaged spot later, about the size of a silver dollar, said that it had the appearance of having been "welded," but Ostrom denied there had been any welding and insisted that the damage had been done by a small flying object.

Death to miniature space aliens!!
Maybe the ships can shrink?
>1950: “In The Ethership Mystery and Its Solution Layne [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meade_Layne ] says: “In spite of a policy and an unofficial censorship, it is widely believed by this time that a number of ether ships of the disk type have landed in the United States, through accident of some kind. We have no reports that any of the `dwarf' occupants survived the landing, and we are told that the propulsion and control of these craft is very much of a puzzle to scientists who have inspected them. They are said to be without motors, propellers, or anything recognizable as a drive mechanism. This suggests, of course, some kind of magnetic propulsion. And the performance of these crafts, their extraordinary speed, power and maneuverability far outclasses anything our own engineers have been able to achieve.” – Scully (1950) ← "The Ether Ship Mystery and Its Solution" [ https://borderlandsciences.org/project/etheria/mimeo/esm/index.html ] (1950). Also from same BSRA article: “It is probably well known by this time, that several of these ether ships have fallen, and their contents carefully studied – although with utmost secrecy. We cannot enter here upon this part of, which has been printed in other BSRA publications; we wish to refer only to the “little people”, dwarfs about 30 inches in height, whose bodies were found within the Discs.”

>1950: “To the ribaldry attending testimony that the crews of flying saucers were dwarfs or little people, a doubt which even Associate Hayes shares, the Borderland Sciences Research Associates advanced a solution. In fact, they advanced two. One was that the Etherians suffer shrinkage when they and their craft penetrate into this atmosphere too rapidly. The other was they chose to materialize in small forms “simply for convenience of operation and flight.” – Scully (1950) https://www.scribd.com/doc/3927939/BEHIND-THE-FLYING-SAUCERS-Frank-Scully-134-pp-ebook

What laws of physics allow shrinking?

some advanced technology.
88622 88624

I have a new idea for the foil. The Mg plasma/gas will thermite react with the silicate abd steal its oxygen. The Mg becomes MgO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_oxide and the silicate becomes elemental Silicon metal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon . And the interesting consequence here is that Si looks exactly like foil, even when a blob.

Which removes the need to deal with the assumption of wafers of metal.

Silicon's spectrum is very bright and accross the spectrum and so would burn in the atmosphere when traveling at speed as bright white.

So the process would be, loose the Iron(Nickel alloy) through shock (slag, slag everywhere >>87738 >>86025 ), burn away the silicate, burn the silicon (bright white), burn the magnesium (bright white) >>85165 .

Natural hot insulated meteors according to scientists:

>Important parameters in such thermal models include the initial abundances of heat-producing short-lived radionuclides (26Al and 60Fe), which are determined by the accretion timescale and the terminal size, chemical composition and physical properties of the chondritic planetesimals.

>Results: Our new model demonstrates that in initially porous planetesimals heating to central temperatures sufficient for melting can occur for bodies a few km in size, that is, a factor of ≈10 smaller than for compact bodies. Furthermore, for high initial 60Fe abundances small bodies may differentiate ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_differentiation ) even when they had formed as late as 3-4 Ma after CAI formation.
>The model starts with a porous body that is later compacted first by "cold pressing" at low temperatures and then by "hot pressing" for temperatures above ≈700 K, i.e., the threshold temperature for sintering ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sintering ) of silicates.
> These burial depths are shallower than those derived in previous models. This reflects the strong insulating effect of the residual powder surface layer, which is characterised by a [u]low thermal conductivity.[u]

So we have 3 sources of heat: radioactive, solar, atmospheric entry.
We have 3 sources of sealing the silicate: sintering by solar heating, sintering by atmospheric entry, and xerogel cavity collapse as the Mg moves/evaporates into the core. Sintering occurs at 700K which is 447C and 2002 XM35 got close enough to the sun to reach 527C ( >>87736 ).

It's getting easier and easier to make this work.

High Si/Mg content meteors:

>The lines commonly observed in meteor spectra belong to Fe, Na, Mg, Ca, Cr, and Mn. In good spectra the lines of A1, Si, Ti, Co, and Ni are observable. Lines of O and N originate in the atmosphere.
>The meteor EN 041089 was observed on October 4, 1989, 23:33 UT. The meteoroid of original mass of about 0.7 kg was completely destroyed in the atmosphere. The spectrum of this meteor is unique in our sample by the low intensity of the Na line and high intensity of the Mg line. It was found that the Na/Fe ratio was at least seven times lower than in other meteors and the ratios of Mg, Si, and Cr to Fe at least twice as high. This is consistent with the composition of diogenites.

>Diogenites are composed of igneous rocks of plutonic origin, having solidified slowly enough deep within Vesta's crust to form crystals which are larger than in the eucrites.

Silicon density: 2.57 g/cm3
Aluminium density: 2.70 g/cm3

A casual assessment could not distinguish silicon (foil) from aluminium (foil).
>>88621 (You)

Mg - 1.738g/cm3 - 1.584 g/cm3 when liquid (650C)
SiO2 - 2.648 (α-quartz), 2.196 (amorphous)
Si - 2.70 g/cm3 - 2.57 g/cm3 when liquid (1414C)
Fe - 7.874g/cm3 - 6.98 g/cm3 when liquid (1538C)

Silicon and silicate density is close. It could mix and lead to the scintilating effects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold_UFO_sighting
Fe/Ni magnetic properties:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permalloy
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal

Light weight objects and orientation to the Earth's or local magnetic field could affect the Mg plasma, routing the Mag field either around the plasma in one orientation and through the plasma in another orientation -> sudden acceleration.
burled wood.jpg
>Each had a hole in the center, approximately twenty-five feet in diameter. they were all a sort of shell-like gold and silver color. Their surface seemed of metal and appeared to be burled because when the light s[h]one on them through the clouds they were brilliant, not all one brilliance, but many brilliances, something like a Buick dashboard.

Silicon foil: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Pictures-of-the-4x4cm-2-silicon-foil-with-the-removal-of-the-epoxy-layer-a-and-its_fig1_236754019

The gold is the silica glass.

How beautiful is silicon????!

Case 501 -- July 6, Towanda, Pennsylvania: A close-up observation of two small
"objects" was described by Mrs. A. C. Smith, who saw them hovering 20 feet above
the ground. For a period of two minutes, they "bobbed about, merged together, and
separated," she said, be fore they finally soared into the sky. According to Mrs. Smith,
the discs were about six to eight inches in diameter and appeared to be "saucers of
intense light." She did not believe they were solid objects.
So obviously these >>88764 can't be solid. So they must be plasma or magnetic fields.

>The spectrograph revealed that the main elements in the ball were the same as those found in the soil: silicon, iron and calcium. The observations support a theory for making ball lightning put forth in 2000 by John Abrahamson at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
Gold dust

>Abrahamson surmised that when lightning hits the ground, the sudden, intense heat can vaporise silicon oxide in the dirt, and a shockwave blows the gas up into the air. If there’s also carbon in the soil, perhaps from dead leaves or tree roots, it will steal oxygen from the silicon oxide, leaving a bundle of pure silicon vapour. But the planet’s oxygen-rich atmosphere rapidly re-oxidises the hot ball of gas, and this reaction makes the orb glow briefly.

>The theory garnered support in 2006, when scientists at Tel Aviv University in Israel were able to create ball lightning in the lab by firing mock lightning at sheets of silicon oxide. The event in China marks the first time such an orb has been captured in nature with scientific instruments.

Hello, silicon, we meet again. So lets have magnesium steal the silicon's oxygen (thermite), and then have silicon steal oxygen from the air. But how is it bound together?

>Scientists bound the magnetic fields of a supercooled quantum object into a complex knot. And what they found may have finally solved the centuries-old riddle of ball lightning, luminous orbs that sometimes linger in the atmosphere during thunderstorms.

>That bizarre knot was a quantum object called a "Shankar skyrmion" that was first theorized in 1977, but that no one had ever managed to generate in a lab. A skyrmion is a tightly clustered group of circular magnetic fields, with each circle crossing each other circle exactly once, the researchers explained in a paper published March 2 in Science Advances.
> Back in 1996, a paper published in Nature proposed that ball lightning might be the result of the magnetic fields around the plasma of a lightning bolt curling into a knot and trapping it within, and proposed a model for what those knotted fields might look like.

>The researchers reported that the fields they observed around their cold little skyrmion matched the model proposed in that paper, suggesting that hot ball lightning may, in fact, be a giant, naturally occurring skyrmion.

>Observation of the Optical and Spectral Characteristics of Ball Lightning
>Ball lightning (BL) has been observed with two slitless spectrographs at a distance of 0.9 km. The BL is generated by a cloud-to-ground lightning strike. It moves horizontally during the luminous duration. The evolution of size, color, and light intensity is reported in detail. The spectral analysis indicates that the radiation from soil elements is present for the entire lifetime of the BL.

Look at all that Iron and Silicon!

And there is something going on with cold plasmas that I haven't worked out yet.
>Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of nonideal Rydberg matter
>As a result, it has been found that an increase in the nonideality parameter is accompanied by a change in the structure of such a system from gas to crystal like. The lattice parameter in the latter case is equal to the mean distance.

89585 89600
>This does not mean that there were no reports of occupants in 1947. Local newspapers published at least three accounts of small beings associated with "flying saucers" that year. An elderly woman reported the first incident, at Webster, Massachusetts on June 19. She had seen from her window a "moon-sized" object fly nearby with a "slender" figure inside dressed in what appeared to be a Navy uniform (2). On July 7, during a flurry of object sightings at Tacoma, Washington, residents of the Center and J Street neighborhood, Gene Gamachi, I.W. Martenson, and others, told of seeing a number of objects, some of which landed on nearby roofs. Witnesses saw several "little people" who disappeared upon the arrival of newsmen (3). On July 8, during a concentration of sightings all over Texas, an unidentified merchant seaman in the Acres Home suburb of Houston observed the landing of a "silver saucer." From it emerged a dimunitive pilot no more than two feet tall with a round head "the size of a basketball" who greeted the seaman, re-entered his vehicle, and took off (4) .
2. Worcester (Mass.) Daily Telegram, July 7, 1947, p. 1.
3. Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune, July 8, 1947.
4. Houston (Texas) Post, July 9, 1947, p. 1.

So we have some small humans from twinning mixed in.
43 humanoid cases from 1947. So much for no flying disc pilots in 1947.

89585 89600 103544
Afternon, what if the hands are actually a device to put magnetic fields in her temporal lobes to cause her to hallucinate.

Interesting rabbit hole to fall down.

89600 89601 89607
File (hide): C06D7C0BD139FE74EEF7739593584430-8866396.mp4 (8.5 MB, Resolution:360x248 Length:00:04:48, Persinger-Horizon-God_on_the_Brain.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Can being in the presence of an EM field (from a plasma object) cause hallucinations? Yes, see video.
89607 89610 89735 89747 89762
Such blobs would not care. The effects of extensive radiation do not deform protons, ions, etc. in metals. No effect, at least until:

Collision suspicions confirmed. Sedimentary divergences of spaceborne materials create debris clusters; specific debris clusters magnetically attracted to certain planets. Majority of spherical impacts are natural, implications used to further division & infiltration tactics. "They played us like a damned fiddle!"

Answers confirm suspicions of principle materials deliberately utilized in "sensitive" testing designs for rapid incineration/destruction methods. Aurora 1 thermal-skin pieces recovered from crash in northern Texas desert 1985. Known material compositions: thermally responsive semi-synthetic resins, silicon, "allotropic" iron, whatever that means. Later results released or destroyed. Colleagues of others wanted in, didn't have safety net. Lost contact in 2015. What important extra-planetary events happened during that year?

No notions are allowed to be preconceived until 99.9% proof is acquired. A failure in linking information together is attributed to: research failure, false information, research failure, lack of discovery, carelessness, personal fault. Constant, unusual space debris impacts show no evidence of non-terrestrial sapient life. Zero evidence = zero tolerance.

Pre-Star Wars era technologies in use, most created in 1950's. Post-Star Wars era examples mentioned before, used often by La Sia, no information to compare to at current. Top 3 suspects: Project Skyhaven, Operation Midnight Broadcast, 17th Naval Intelligence. Short list, few "survivors".

Forced eugenics insanity. True natural selection superior, no erratic mutations, permanent genetic diseases. "Gene editing" new craze, now in use among rich circles. Irony: Futureland does not seem so bad to me now.

Consider Tesla & Vril Societe` experiments in EMF research refusing to test on biologically living matter. No 'happy accidents' allowed. What did/do they know that we do not? "Black Box Tower" stations across north America & Europe. Mass subject testing without public knowledge/supervision. Recently came across article related to designer in 1920's, built anti-waveform/anti-sonic screen to incorporate into Faraday Cage for precision experiments. Did it work? None know, design was stolen by Jew-S agents after death.

The more I learn, the less empathy I care to acknowledge.
i had a strange dream, i went outside on my porch and i looked up to the western sky and i saw 4 sun like ball objects in the sky about 100 feet away from me, and they all combined into one massive sun like ball. then i "lost conciseness" and after i came toi was still dreaming i thought to myself "my seed will be useful to them." was that a dream or a repressed memory?
89610 89671 89775 90720 101718 104643 122487
>Collision suspicions confirmed.
Wheee! So I am no longer alone in my "insanity"! Do they know or suspect 2002 XM35 (or the parent body of) hit Mercury? There is unfortunately no data on 1946 Mercury monitoring. There is a 10 year study that ended in 1945 but as you can see they can bearly make out what is going on on Mercury due to its proximity to the sun. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1947PA.....55..137H There is good data to suspect something happened in space before 1947 >>87739 .

An unexpected additional piece of information has been found to further support that 1947 was somewhat meteor/space based event. Whilst looking at old Persinger publications (he was originally very much like Charles Fort, cataloging paranormal events with an IBM 360-40! What a nerd!), Persinger pointed out that when the moon was about 1/4 full there were extra meteors reported. Finding the paper showed that this occurs when the moon was at either or the two 40% full part of its phases. When looking at how that relates to the 1947 June/July flying discs it is either side of the main events. (pics #1 and #2):

1947-06-24/25 is 40% waxing moon. This is the first bump. (the 27/28 bump is still unidentified.)
1947-07-03 is full moon, moon rise ~8pm, set ~5am. Moon-Earth-Sun(Mercury) alignment. Extra gravitational pull?
1947-07-04 Peak #1 (This also coincides with Earth crossing orbital path of 2004 TG10 who also did a Mercury fly-by; pic#3 here, and >>81615 pic#1 )
1947-07-07 Peak #2 (Unknown object but fits within the expected 2002 XM35 children objects which I suggest are the result of a Mercury fly-by also >>78826 )
1947-07-12 is 40% waning moon. Small bump at the end of the main event.

It is bothersome that there are two Mercury impact/flyby possibilities. It seems incredibly unlikely that 2 objects would hit Mercury such that both would send molten blobs to Earth within 3 days of each other. This needs to be examined much deeper. The individual reports need to be classified into Vallee categories and then sorted to see if the character of the 4th and 7th reports are slightly different. I would expect one will show a preferences for fly-bys and the other for hovering and speed/direction changes. I have categorized about 500 of 853 reports so far. It is a very tedious ongoing task.

-- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf

>“A most remarkable relation exists between incoming meteor rates and lunar phases (Bowen, 1963); apparently peak meteor rates occur around first and third quarter.”
-- Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events by Michael Persinger (1977)

-- Bowen, E. G. (1963). A lunar effect on the incoming meteor rate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 68(5), 1401–1403. doi:10.1029/jz068i005p01401

At this point I think most of the shape of the sighting reports stats can be accounted for by astronomical causes.

The source of "alien" experiences is not limited to men in Hollywood costumes, it can also be from hallucinations by being in proximity to plasma giving off fluctuating EM fields. My research has shown (Persinger, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilder_Penfield ) that it is not the intensity of the EM field that causes hallucinations (See clock radio and Persinger saying it gave off the correct type of EM signal >>89585 ), it is the character of the EM fields. Small EM fields, of the correct protocol, can cause involuntary dreaming (recollection of subconscious iconography and memory) in an awake witness to such a degree that it overlays the 5 senses input. You dream while awake. It seems the memory/iconography has to exist in the mind first and is then triggered after. You asked before about the ability to play-back visual events to a victim, I had speculated that this could be done via the eyes, but it seems you could remotely provoke dreams, that is, iconography and memory from the subconscious.

Therefore if you populate the public's mind with iconography and then record the brain signals of a person experiencing it (acting it out) you can then broadcast the correct signals later to replay it from the subconscious of other victims who also have those icons in their mind (from TV shows/movies).

The subsconscious does not seem to store fine details. So facial features are very difficult but vague things like how a dress hangs are easy. So things that obscure the face are common. Helmets and simplified "grey alien" faces are obvious ways to do this.

This extends also to ghosts. Persinger has shown in his research that ghost sightings occur during seismic stress (piezo-electric effect) and geomagnetic disturbance (sun). The same occurs with people who have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. These events make susceptible people more conscious of their subconscious imagery. Because the predominant concern of a person going through the death of a loved one, is the loved one, they will then see the loved one overlaid on real perception when they are affected by the appropriate EM field. This is ghosts. The sense of a presence is the sensing of the EM field itself. People who are subject to this effect all the time are considered schizophrenic, insane, etc.

It would seem that nature is attempting to find the right balance between making us too aware of magnetic fields (as a type of 6th sense) and have us filter them out. And so people have a range of sensitivity from none (skeptics never see/feel anything) to full (insane) and in between is all of the rare paranormal. In addition nature is using this as a recovery mechanism for us dealing with the death of those we love, and our own death awareness. By allowing this malfunction of the brain people achieve happiness "knowing" life after death exists. So a part of our evolution includes brain malfunction in EM fields to make death less traumatic and to inspire continuing living.


Having said >>89607 , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Stevenson#Reception work still exists, and I have experienced apports ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apport_(paranormal) ) myself so we can't completely rule out the paranormal as hallucinations. But Nature is under no obligation to keep us happy and alive with truths alone, anything that works will propagate.
>3rd image
Sorry to go off topic, but do you know what software that is?
Type an object in the search box. You may get a list returned. Select one of them. On the next page click "Orbit Diagram".

Another interesting place, if you want tables of objects is https://minorplanetcenter.net/data

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellarium_(software) is nice. You can even place yourself on other planets.

And some really nice complicated and detailed software is: https://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/java/
which I used to make image 1 regarding supernova SN1976N and it being reported in two different locations in 1976/9 and in 2013. >>85155

The second picture is an overlay of where the initial report of the SN was, laid on top of recent sky images. It shows the original astronomer was very precise in his drawing of the location of the SN, so why was it moved in 2013??? One possibility is that the 2 photo-plates taken in 1976 show the "supernova" in 2 different locations because it was in motion and both observers of the plates have looked at different plates. Adding to this is that the original astronomer also drew extra objects that no longer are in astronomy photos. This shows that, possibly, local collisions are being misclassified as distant SNs.

90135 101718
>Answers confirm suspicions of principle materials deliberately utilized in "sensitive" testing designs for rapid incineration/destruction methods.

Are you saying the capture of the naturally occurring discs lead to the idea and implementation of making craft/rockets/etc from self-destructing materials similar to the naturally occurring discs? or even retrofiting the natural discs as controlled craft? That seems to be what you are saying... you mentioning silicon and "allotropic" iron:

>Iron represents perhaps the best-known example for allotropy in a metal. At atmospheric pressure, three allotropic forms of iron exist: alpha iron (α), gamma iron (γ) (also known as austenite), and delta iron (δ). At very high pressure, a fourth form exists, called epsilon iron (ε) hexaferrum. Some controversial experimental evidence exists for another high-pressure form that is stable at very high pressures and temperatures.

Looking at the chart, the change of allotrope for iron, from normal requires a temperature above 910C. The magnesium, if any, would have melted and perhaps was lost. Silicate could have sublimated away.

It might be impossible to track back from a date to a prior astronomical impact, previous finds have been partly fluke. Do you have a date for the crash? Without a exact date it is impossible. I have considered writing software to to look for impact and Earth/object-path crossings but the reward vs effort is not there yet.
You can see a list of supernovas here https://sne.space/ . The name of a supernova is SN[YEAR][letter]. If a "supernova" was the cause it could be any of them up to about 10 years prior to the Earth impact. I need to look into heat loss in space. Would molten meteor blobs arrive hot or cold? And if cold are they Bose-Einstein Condensates which would have superconductor-like aligned (gravito-)magnetic moment? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_moment And is this the explanation for the whimsical changes in thrust/direction? There is a very strange absence of discussion of both gravito-magnetic moment and atomic nuclei magnetic moment.

This leads into Cartan's ideas on EM is space-time twists, and gravity is space-time bends. But what does the actual twisting? The only thing in an antenna that can twist space-time sufficiently is the hyper-dense atomic nuclei. As the electrically charged electrons move in the metal antenna the atomic nucleus is rotated to some degree as well. Since it is in a frictionless electron shell it can rotate as dictated by electron movement. The only impediment is thermal jitter.

The receiving antenna does not need these twists of space-time to move it's own nuclei it is sufficient to perturb its electron (which have about 1/4000ths the mass of the nucleus) only to lead to reception. This unites both EM and G into a unified theory and suggests the strong EM can make artificial G.

>"The sleek aircraft would cruise at Mach 5 (3,350 mph) speed at a maximum altitude of about 100,000 feet. The aircraft would be made primarily of titanium with its outer edges constructed of Inconel, a heat-resistant stainless steel. At Mach 5 speed the leading edges of the air-frame would glow red above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. [537C]
Keeping an aircraft sufficiently cool during extreme speeds is a primary challenge of hypersonic flight. According to studies done by General Dynamics and Boeing, an aircraft travelling at between Mach 5.5 and Mach 6 would have an average skin temperature of approximately 1100-1300 degrees Fahrenheit. [593-704C]

Not high enough temperature to warrant a mention of "allotropic" iron, need 910C. Uncontrolled re-entry/impact would be needed. If its uncontrolled it could be natural origin or man-made. "Semi-synthetic resin" sounds man-made, I have no info on this. Does semi-synthetic absolutely mean, non-natural or is their uncertainty?

89755 90134 101718
>Pre-Star Wars era technologies in use, most created in 1950's. Post-Star Wars era examples mentioned before, used often by La Sia, no information to compare to at current. Top 3 suspects: Project Skyhaven, Operation Midnight Broadcast, 17th Naval Intelligence. Short list, few "survivors".

It's important to add in that people will hallucinate "UFO pilots" in the presence of a fluctuating EM emitting object. This needs to be included in assessments. Some scientist experiments and witness reports to demonstrate this:

This is direct on brain electrical stimulation:
>Previous perceptions that were already primed by comparison of present situation with past situations would be the ones most likely to gain in intensity.
[ie. the situation determines the hallucination]
>We found certain images were not derived directly from real prior perceptual experiences but were products of the imagination as, for example, the image of a pig on its hind legs, talking.
>Another finding was that more of the hallucinatory [acts perfectly real] or pseudo-hallucinatory [acts obviously not real] reports occurred after stimulation of the posterior hippocampus than from stimulation of any other structure. The hippocampus has been thought to serve a regulatory function over working memory - the process of relating present situations to previous ones. Disruption of hippocampal functions is more likely to be found on electrical stimulation than excitation or enhancement of such functions. We can speculate, then, that temporal lobe stimulations and, possibly specifically hippocampal stimulations, may disrupt regulatory functions over the processes that register optical sensation, hold a percept as an image, and then match this image against memory images of prior perceptions. Loss of inhibition might lead to increased vividness of internally derived imagery.
[You can make people dream while they are awake. See pic1 for a table of visions including people.]

>The subjective experiences for those participants who reported a sensed presence were similar to those reported by others exposed to these procedures. The detailed experiences have included feeling another self, sensing a deceased person known to the participant, experiencing a human-like gray face with lights around it (upper left peripheral field), and experiencing “someone” standing nearby.

This and Persinger is using EM fields:
The importance of verifying the specific timing and temporal pattern of the software-generated fields and following an effective protocol is emphasized.

Persinger uses specific patterns recorded from other people in his experiments!*. Persinger was also involved in Remote Viewing with Ingo Swann ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l6VPpDublg ). Ingo Swann was involved in Remote Viewing experiments at SRI for CIA:

>Axel had his fingers pressed against his lips. He was no longer smiling, and seemed pensive. So I asked: "I gather you want me to try to remote view something?"
>"Oh, absolutely, absolutely," he responded, resuming his smile. "After the American Society, then, you went to SRI and developed a coordinate-ordinate system for remote viewing?"
>Well, that came about because we wanted to try to View sites around the world. The CIA was interested, you know. When we tried to target the cities by their names, we realized that the name had too many clues which might aid me in identifying the target.

The situation appears to be that our subconscious is connected to magnetic fields, which can contain information. However we also have information in our subconscious, we also have our own imaginings there as well. There is no firm demarcation between real memories and imagination memories AND other data in the EM fields. This makes being a psi-spy very difficult and so the need for double-blind remote viewing. In the absence of objective data the mind will likely use imagination to fill in the gaps.

* See pic3 for crude brain programming with magnets, pic2 adds context. Persinger in the clock video mentions specific types of EM signals and his publications and videos talk about sending specific types of EM signals. Obviously this branches out into dangerous territory for our assumed freedom of thought in our own heads.

>Third, if TLTs [temporal lobe transients, hallucinations] are primarily biogenic neuropatterns, they will be simulated, ultimately, by modern technology. If they can be evoked by artificial methods, what are the clinical implications for the control of religious experiences? These questions are immediate derivations of the hypothesis.
-- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6664802 Persinger (1985)

I bet absolutely no one at the CIA pondered this question!




UFO "creature" hallucinations:

>Dome and Lee parked next to the heel-stone, beside the fence, and got out to look at the orange globe, leaving the engine running. For some reason Lee would not look at it, but gazed instead at the full moon above the Stones. During this time, the globe performed aerial acrobatics in a regular pattern which engaged Dorne’s attention. while Lee continued his moon-watching. At times, the brilliant orange ball dived behind a small hill nearby or vanished and then reappeared.
>All of a sudden, Lee screamed to Dome to get into the car because security guards were approaching, which she did without looking back and they sped away. The globe followed them as they drove through another band of fog. They stopped in a lay-by after five minutes and Lee recounted what had frightened him so much. Apparently, a dark figure had suddenly appeared beside the monument and approached menacingly and noisily by stamping through the thick leaves. When it got to the fence, Lee saw that it was about 7 foot (2 m) tall and correspondingly broad, and totally black and featureless. It was at this point that he screamed to Dome to get into the car, although it was behind the security fence surrounding the monument. As they climbed into the car, the figure appeared mysteriously on their side of the fence, and at the moment that they had sped away, it was beside the driver's door.
>Still in the lay-by recovering from this getaway, Dome and Lee noticed that a fresh banana on the dashboard had turned to brown syrup, so they threw it out. The orange globe followed them further, until they reached the motorway. where it vanished.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)

Notice both are acting weird and only one sees the creature. The witnesses have malfunctioning brains.

Lets look at two 1947 presumed hallucinations:

>Location: Island of Muck Highland Region Scotland
>Time: unknown
>80-year old Alexander Gunn, an angler saw a mermaid like creature right off the coast of the island. The being was a female humanoid in appearance, and sat on a floating wooded box and appeared to be coming her long blond hair. She plunged into the sea when she noticed the witness looking at her. No other information.
>HC addition #408
>Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain

We can be reasonably certain that the seas do not have mermaid populations. We can be reasonably certain that she did not travel to Earth on a flying disc in order to sit on a crate and comb her hair.

>Location. Dolores Remedios Cuba
>Date: Summer 1947
>Time: unknown
>A woman had to be treated for nervous shock as she reported that while doing some laundry outside her home, she saw a large bright object shaped like two bowls put together land silently and a man about 2 metes tall emerged from the object. The man wore a shiny white outfit and some type of luminous headgear, he quickly approached the witness and pointing at her and at the ground he yelled something that sounded to her like Terra"
"Terra"! The witness fainted at this point and when she came to [both] the man and the object were gone. Other independent witnesses thought there had been a "crash" of some sort and remembered that US and Cuban military forces had cordoned off an area and had called for heavy quipment and trucks to come in. Something of an unknown nature was taken from the site.
>HC addition #262
>Source: Dr Sergio Cervera and personal interviews

For me, the fainting is a tell, her brain ceased ordinary operation like the salamander above. When she comes to there is no object, but the military take something away? How can that be, did it move then "crash"?

Source: https://studylib.net/doc/8063719/1-albert-rosales-catalogue-of-humanoid-cases-1965

Our brains have no firewalls, we are truly mind-fucked in a techno-dystopia society because we are evolved to recieve EM field data, it seems. Tin-foil hats ARE NOT CRAZY!!!@~
>The more I learn, the less empathy I care to acknowledge.

The black pill. Rule of the jungle applies within the technology space. Their will be a division between those that can access and use technology to control the population, and the ordinary, mostly innocent, population. Techno-dystopia seems inevitable, this should have been obvious since MKULTRA. That will probably lead to the technology cycle. I would expect a anti-technology movement at some point once this remote mind control tech gets noticeably implemented. Of course that will blossom out into a new type of human dystopia also.

There are rumors of it's implementation:

/adjusts tin-foil hat.

There will be a future market for stylish tin-foil hats! Also harvesting the signal in your Faraday cage house could save on electricity bills! But be sure to do it before they in turn harvest your adrenaline filled blood!

Correction: 2004 TG10 did not do a Mercury Fly-by in 1947. But debris in the same orbit from 2004 TG10 could have.
>An example of a hallucinatory CE experience induced by proximity to a UAP is the event which took place on Plumstead Common, south-east London, on 17 July 1978. A woman who decided to rest on the grass while her husband and children went on ahead was suddenly confronted with a large ball of orange light which came hurtling down out of the sky and settled on the ground about 50 yards (46 m) away from her. Totally bemused, she watched as two entities, who changed size as they walked towards her, confronted her in costumes which were a cross between space-suits and chauffeur's uniforms with peaked caps. Then the figure of her father, who had been dead for six years, appeared in a suit and sat on the grass beside her. At this point she felt all the blood drain downwards in her body and she passed out. She lost her sight for about three months and ended up in hospital.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)
89786 90092

UFOIC Newsletter No 45 Sept-Oct 1975--1.jpg
UFOIC Newsletter No 45 Sept-Oct 1975--2.jpg
How curious.
89833 89834 90081
>Ferdinando Cazzamalli ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinando_Cazzamalli ) was a fellow a t the neuropsychiatric clinic a t the University of Rome. He attempted to record electrical activity of the human brain without the usual attachment of electrodes to the scalps of his subjects. He attempted this by using antennae placed some distance from the scalp, recording the changes as the subjects would go through certain kinds of mental activities. This work appeared as early as 1925 and was continued for approximately 10 years.
>The subject remained in a passive state for several minutes. He was then instructed to think of people or activities, particularly those of an intense sort. After a brief instant, an abrupt change on the oscillator was determined; these changes were registered on the film. These recordings varied with the degree of stabilization of the oscillator, the velocity of the unrolling of the film, etc. Cazzamalli compares this with the psychogalvanic reflex, and used the term “cerebropsychoradiant reflex” for the phenomena observed.]
-- Attached.

Recording peoples brains at a distance in 1925.

>It was in the early half of the twentieth century that an Italian professor, named Cazzamalli, conducted experiments in which he exposed human subjects to high-frequency fields in the form of radio waves up to 300 megacyles.” He found that these subjects hallucinated at a particular frequency (between 380 to 500 mc) and reported definite ‘pulsing’ in the brain.
-- Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden (1999)

>The trouble is that Cazzamalli never mentioned transmitter power in his somewhat unprofessional papers. His oscillograms meant to show variations of the "beat" when his subjects were emotionally aroused or engaged in creative tasks when they were in the Faraday cage. Later, he told an astounded world that his subjects would hallucinate when under the influence of his "oscillatori telegrafica," its frequency being about 300 MHz at the time.

>Tom Jaski, a noted science writer and engineer, duplicated some of Cazzamalli's work with a modern low-power oscillator that was swept from 300 MHz to 600 MHz. His subjects could not see the dial. They were told to sound off as soon as they felt something unusual. At a certain frequency range — varying between 380 MHz and 500 MHz — the subjects repeatedly indicated points with exact accuracy in as many as 14 out of 15 trials. At these "individual" frequencies, the same subjects announced having experienced pulsing sensations in the brain, ringing in the ears, and an odd desire to bite the experimenters. The oscillator's output power was only a few milliwatts, while the oscillator itself was located several feet away from the subjects.
-- Electronics and Brain Control, Popular Electronics (1973)
caldwell1959--Experimental Method and Findings of Ferdinando Cazzamalli.pdf