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UFOs and aliens are man made.
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This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 570 files omitted.
Now this is neat

At this point we have science examining gravity and suggesting it has two components (which turns out to be true) and inventors populating the sky with airships, followed by aeroplanes.

I want to focus on one of the most startling reports of 1897 which would make many of us today wonder if it was ETs, and back then they would have been thinking Martians.

>Who Possibly Came From the Planet Mars
>Seen on a Country Road by Colonel H.G. Shaw and a Companion
>They Boarded the Airship

Please read this first: https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/airship/25nov1896-lodi-california.htm

Most people at that point walk away thinking this can't be explained and assume aliens or liar. However I think it can be explained. It was dark at the time of the encounter making it hard to make things out.

If the sighting was at 6am the temp would have been about 4C and if it was 6pm it would have been 11C, very cold, an airship crew up in the atmosphere would be very well rugged up and almost unrecognisable as human in the dark. They are reported as very slender, this might be due to malnutrition or the benefits of having a light weight crew. The malnutrition part will be relevant shortly. They are reported to have finders with no nails, ie. gloves on. "toes were also long and slender", "use their feet and toes much the same as a monkey", "they appeared to have much better use of their feet than their hands". In cold weather and up in the air frostbite would be a huge risk and I would expect extra effort to be put into protecting extremities of the body, this especially applies to toes. I would expect extra padding and probably even some sort of electrical heating to be there. This would affect the ordinary balance of a person leading to the appearance of walking or standing in an unusual way but being mistaken as a natural process because of the assumption of Martians. Also the French have a long tradition of supplementing there feet with devices so the tallness of the men could be related to this. See Pic #1 The French are also the pioneers and leaders of airship design (But this sighting is in the USA! WTF). See pic #2. Also there are inventions being made to enhance walking at this time. See pic #3. There is also an additional possibility, the airship itself works on the principle of a lifting gas, why not include a lifting gas into the clothing of these pilots to make them lighter? That would also lead to the instinct of trying to grab the ground with your feet or rocking if you move too much. This also means that your landed, but not tied down, airship wont dramatically change weight when 3 of you exit and so it wont float away. "specific gravity of the creature was less than an ounce",

“They appeared to have no muscular power outside of being able to move their own limbs.” -- this is another sign of malnutrition. "faces and heads were without hair", "ears were very small", "nose had the appearance of polished ivory", "mouth, however, was small, and it seemed to me that they were without teeth" -- this is all because of altitude and cold protection coupled with poor illumination. "covered with a natural growth, silk to the touch" -- seal skin was used for clothing and has natural resistance to water, the cold of winter and altitude probably makes this an ideal "flight suit" material and has a seal fur outer layer. Pic #4

"seemed not to understand me", "'warbling', monotonous chant, inclined to be guttural" -- foreigners, this now gives the malnutrition idea a reason to be possible.


"bag to which was attached a nozzle" – water where electrolysis was producing hydrogen and oxygen
"would place the nozzle on his mouth" – oxygen (recovering from altitude flight)
"hand something about the size of a hen's egg" – battery and globe for light and electrolysis of water, hand held batteries came out in 1896, the witness had probably never seen a battery.
"intense and penetrating light one can imagine. Notwithstanding its intensity it had no unpleasant effect upon our eyes" -- this is what we call a torch or flashlight (patented in 1898) with a parabolic mirror, the witness is used to lanterns.


"20 feet in diameter width", "20 feet above water" – resting on a airship gondola, "large rudder", "pointed both ends", "struck it with a rock and it gave no sound" -- airship balloon is made of cloth, "air very rapidly and expanded and contracted with a muscular motion, and was soon out of sight" -- much more likely that the airship was under low pressure and was flapping in the air like a flag as it moved off.


This is the hard part. The implications are that this is a foreign ship, but who could make such a international flight in 1897? And how was it powered? The suspected malnutrition and weakness of the crew implies this was not an intented flight. How does one accidentally travel internationally in an airship?


The Earth has 4 Jet Streams at about 9kms up. If an airship gets in these you can travel up to 400km/h. A 747 flies at 920 km/h. You would have an airship travelling at near half a modern passenger jet. The Jet streams were not well understood then. I suspect the French were doing experiments on how high they could go. This has the strategic advantage in spying whilst being less detectable. They accidentally entered the jet stream & did a partial flight around the world! This is an extreme claim, but it is also an extreme report and so requires a extreme answer.

Some supporting evidence:
“Brown says he was close enough to hear them talking but could not understand one word of their language.” – The Heavenly mystery, Austin American Statesman, April 20, 1897, p. 3

There is also a report of machinery careening out of the sky like a meteorite and when the witnesses approached it was to hot to get near but gears were visible.


1897 Apr 17, Aurora, Texas

In 1897 an Airship crashed in Aurora, Texas. The pilot was buried by the people and the airship was partially thrown into a well and burried


>During the 1896–1897 timeframe (some six or seven years before the Wright Brothers' first flight), numerous sightings of a cigar-shaped mystery airship were reported across the United States.

>One of these accounts appeared in the April 19, 1897, edition of the Dallas Morning News. Written by Aurora resident S.E. Haydon, the alleged UFO is said to have hit a windmill on the property of a Judge J.S. Proctor two days earlier at around 6am local (Central) time, resulting in its crash. The pilot (who was reported to be "not of this world", and a "Martian" according to a reported Army officer from nearby Fort Worth) did not survive the crash, and was buried "with Christian rites" at the nearby Aurora Cemetery. (The cemetery contains a Texas Historical Commission marker mentioning the incident.)

>Reportedly, wreckage from the crash site was dumped into a nearby well located under the damaged windmill, while some ended up with the alien in the grave. Adding to the mystery was the story of Mr. Brawley Oates, who purchased Judge Proctor's property around 1945. Oates cleaned out the debris from the well in order to use it as a water source, but later developed an extremely severe case of arthritis, which he claimed to be the result of contaminated water from the wreckage dumped into the well. As a result, Oates sealed up the well with a concrete slab and placed an outbuilding atop the slab. (According to writing on the slab, this was done in 1957.)


MUFON analysed the water of the well in 2001 and found high concentrations of aluminium. As we know from the time line aluminium can now be mass produced by humanity. There is no need to invoke Martian influence however the US Army is suggesting Martians as the answer. This seems to be a precursor to explaining advanced craft as ET craft. We can all agree though that airships won't function in space, so they are lying.

Pic #2 is the former grave marker of the pilot. It has since been removed. Pic #4 is a image of the French airship La France but colour reversed to show it seems to have some sort of circles in it like the grave picture. These circles though aren't on the schematics, which is confusing. Pic #5 shows how the French airship matches well shape wise with the Aurora airship carving.

1897 - Electron discovered
1897 - Liquid hydrogen
1899 - Tesla believes he gets “transmissions” from deep space.
1902 - Germany, "Twinning" which is a primitive type of cloning. http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/clonezone/
1903 - Wright Bros. aeroplane
1905 - Einstein's Theory of relativity
1905 - A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta, One Substance, One Energy, vibration, Venus life unseeable by us. Human imagination is pushing the ET idea again.
1908 - Liquid helium
1909 - Duralumin light strong aluminium alloy (+4% copper, room temp cooled) discovered, used then in rigid airships, this makes the UK Navy want to build rigid airships.
1911 - Atomic nucleus discovered
1911 - Mercury superconductivity discovered using liquid helium. “relatively low magnetic fields destroyed superconductivity”
1911 - A unnamed person while sleeping has "others" speak through him: “peculiar case of psychic phenomena … summer of 1911 … sleep … coming and going of alleged extra-planetary personalities … en route from one universe to another or from one planet to another … essentially Christian and is, on the whole, entirely harmonious with the known scientific facts and truths of this age.” – THE MIND AT MISCHIEF by WILLIAM S. SADLER, M.D. This leads to The Urantia Book (Published 1955)
1912 - “The first concrete calculations of (linear) gravitomagnetic effects were performed by Einstein in 1912-1913.” – Gravitomagnetism: From Einstein’s 1912 Paper to the Satellites LAGEOS and Gravity Probe B by Herbert Pfister (~2006)
1912 - Dec. ..tin (3.8 K) and lead (6 K, later raised to 7.2 K) could be made superconducting.
1914 - WWI
1915 - Nikola Tesla: electrically propelled missile
1918 - Relativity means Frame-dragging. Movement distorts space-time.
1919 - Kaluza–Klein theory “unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism built around the idea of a fifth dimension beyond the usual four of space and time.”

The above shows that science and technology is moving along rapidly and this allows the Germans, who are a very industrious people, to start their exotic experiments. It is important to realise that at this point in history both mysticism and science are having equal influence on society and the ideas are often blurred together as various societies discuss and experiment. The German flying discs are claimed to have been initiated by telepathic communication with beings who claim to be from Aldebaran star system. There is no actual need to believe this literally. There is enough science and fantasy in the culture for this to be from the medium's subconscious and based on reading the available material on Earth. However the people of the day were probably convinced and became even more convinced when the experiments worked. This part of the story comes from 2 people and is not verified from other sources, but their claims come with photographs which are very compelling. Also this part of the story fits into the time-lining very nicely and it has no competing alternative making it the de facto "truth" for now.

1919 - psychic mediums of Vril Society and the Thule's own resident psychic Maria Orsic [and Sigrun] that convinced them that the Aryan race didn't originate from earth but from Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri - 64/68 light years away. Vril also convinced the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that their mountain goddess Isias was the queen of Aldebaran. Isais is considered to be the good Goddess and Yahweh the evil God. Pic #1 is the automatic writing that seems to have started all of this. It is a translation cypher where one type of squiggle always means a particular German letter. Once you swap them to German letters you can read it in German.

1920 - Aryanism: British psychologist William McDougall: ..we can distinguish a race of northerly distribution and origin, characterised physically by fair colour of hair and skin and eyes, by tall stature and dolichocephaly (i.e. long shape of head), and mentally by great independence of character, individual initiative and tenacity of will. .. It is also called the Nordic type.

1922 - (Germany) The Stern–Gerlach experiment may be used to calculate the spin of the nucleus. This experiment is used to find the electron and atomic spin of the elements. The experiment was named after Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach.

At this point all the pieces are in place for my hypothesis on how to create artificial gravity from aligned spinning nuclei, no ETs needed.

1922 - "the project Jenseitsmaschine (Beyond Machine) was launched and now referred to as Jenseitsflugmaschine (Beyond Flight Machine).” See pic #2 & #3. This is a simple device set up in a barn and experimented with until the Weimar Republic collapses in 1924. It is not relooked at until Germany starts loosing the war. Some sources say they found gravity and time distortion. It was packed up and sent to unnamed aircraft manufacturer (probably Messerschmitt).

During this time the Vril Society, the Thule, NSDAP and other groups are all on the rise.

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1922 - The Consciousness of the Atom by Alice A. Bailey Conscious atoms all the way up, atom→cell→animal→human→planet→solar system.
1923 - Weimar Hyperinflation
1923 - United States Naval Research Laboratory founded. (T.T. Brown joins in 1930)
1929 - Great Depression
1923 - (USA) T.T. Brown “Experiments were conducted which seemed to prove the concept of gravitation which he had first postulated at Cal Tech in 1923.”
1924 - (USA) T.T. Brown at “Ohio's Denison University where he came under the tutelage of physicist and astronomer Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld”
1926 - “stamp out religion … Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.” – The New York Times, Kissing Cousins By CLIVE D. L. WYNNE, DEC. 12, 2005. Experiment failed. The idea of cross breeding humans & animals has begun.
1926 - (China) Aug. 5 Daylight Disk: “We all saw, in a direction from north to south, something big and shiny reflecting sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed. Crossing our camp, this thing changed in its direction from south to southwest. And we saw how it disappeared in the intense blue sky. We even had time to take our field glasses and saw quite distinctly the oval form with the shiny surface, one side of which was brilliant from the sun.” -- earliest flying disk report and the tech is probably consistent barely with the most advanced secret human tech.
1927 - Franz Abdon Ulinski 1927 world electric vehicle and the vision of solar cells (image in next post)
1928 - T. T. Brown patents what becomes eventually the "Lifter" Biefeld–Brown effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biefeld%E2%80%93Brown_effect this will be put to use on future craft.
1928 - DNA Nuclear Transfer: Hans Spemann The cell nucleus controls embryonic development “showed that the nucleus from an early embryonic cell directs the complete growth of a salamander” -- getting closer to controlling genetics.
1928 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Dudley_Pelley
1929 - Vril Die Kosmische Urkraft (Vril: Cosmic Primal Force) & 1930 Weltdynamismus (World Dynamism) attempts to understand the mysterious Vril force probably related to these early German JFM results.
1929 - T.T. Brown wrote How I Control Gravitation “…most efficient … electro-gravitational lift: … perfect disc or saucer.” TT Brown believes he controls gravity, he doesn't.
1930 - T.T. Brown joined the U.S. Navy Reserve, but instead of going to sea was given orders to report to the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C. In due course, he transferred to the NRL's “Heat and Light Division” and here he carried on the experiments that he started in Ohio.
1931 - About Gravitation, Vortices and Waves in Rotating Media - A student of Gerlach's at Munich, O.G. Hilgenberg, published a paper in 1931
1931 - alleged saucer crash in Italy See Pic #1 and #2. https://atlantisrisingmagazine.com/article/mussolinis-roswell/ this claim comes from documents leaked in 2000.
1933 - Hitler as Chancellor.
1933 - the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science-fiction novel called Den okända faran (The Unknown Danger) See pic #3
1933 - Starting in late November or early December of 1933, residents of Västerbotten, a county in Sweden bordering Norway just below the Arctic Circle, reported seeing strange lights off in the distance at night. The lights seemed to follow the valleys of the area—pacing them—heading toward Norway. While we are prepared to write them off today as lights of ordinary planes this was 1933 when there were very few planes to be seen in this area.
1933 - NACA [later known as NASA] does spinning aircraft experiments.
1934 - VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER was invited by HITLER and the highest representatives of the Thule and Vril Societies and from then on worked with them.
1934 - RFZ 1 (Rundflugzeug I), translated: Round Flight Tool 1 See pic #4 and #5. This is an aeroplane tail and canopy placed over the round "artificial gravity" generator as a first test flight. It wobbled like crazy and fell apart on landing. The pilot escaped alive.
1936 - many German scientists are working on round flying designs, some are jet powered, some are glorified helicopters, some seem to be "artificial gravity".

Pic #1 is from a 1927 design idea. See previous post. Pic #2 is also from 1927 I forgot to include it.

1935 - Nazi Lebensborn “spring of life” for the Master Race. He created breeding facilities in which Aryan (Nordicism) women were recruited to be impregnated by S.S. soldiers.
1936 - (Germany) Peenemünde Airfield founded. Used by Nazi's for V1 and V2 and allegedly pic #2 and #3. Is this the cause of the alleged Italian craft in 1933?
1937 - (USA) Otis T. Carr “Our investigations began in 1937. We were actively making models in 1938. In 1942, we had come up with the basic principles.” – ‘Long John’ Nebel (WOR Radio, NY) with Otis Carr and Norman Colton (October 29, 1957) See pic #4 He is shut down by the FBI for fraud and his property mysteriously catches on fire. He writes a very obscure book later about how atoms contain love and othr weird ideas. But at the end he states something like those with eyes can see what this means. I suspect he is trying to explain his concepts in a way that authorities won't shut down.

We are getting close to WW2 now. Aircraft design is happening all over the place so I can't really document it all I will concentrate on the German flying saucers which seem to be very unconventional. But I will post some images here of conventional craft that could be mistaken for Martian Flying Saucers. Then move on to the exciting German craft that seem to defy conventional science in the following threads.


German RFZ-2 according to claims. (RFZ-1 is mentioned above)

Germans also had a concept for a mothership, called Andromeda, to contain the flying disks pic #1.

Pic #2 and #3 are some more conventional craft that can be mistaken for alien disks.
Now the big stuff. These are called the Haunebu craft. It is very difficult to classify these into types because the schematics don't exactly match the photos. But I will dump a bunch of images in the best categorisation I can manage. Haunebu seems to be a reference to the word giant and you will see they had the intention of gigantic "anti-gravity" craft which were fully armed. Fantasy? Or the cause of the need to "nuke Germany from orbit"?

Pics are what little there is of Haunebu I concept design.
The Haunebu II now with photos!
More Haunebu II (pic #1 and #2). There are concepts for Haunebu III but no photos (pic #3).

The Haunebu are considered the Thule version of the craft. The nexts post will be the Vril version of these craft.
Vril 1
Vril 7


Vril 7


Vril 7 Pic #1

The Germans were very advanced you can get a sense of this from just looking at the Chapter headings in this book: https://issuu.com/mach4c/docs/stevens_-_hitler_s_suppressed_and_s

1944 - Swedish newspaper “Aftonbladet”, dated 10/10/52: It describes a German saucer built by Wernher von Braun at Peenemünde, six meters in diameter, which lifted off in April, 1944. The article states that high fuel consumption was the major problem, a problem which would be solved utilizing atomic power. Pic #2
1945 - “One eye witness claims that he saw an experimental aircraft crossing the German border into Switzerland on the morning of May 9, 1945, the day after the surrender of the 3rd Reich
1945 - UFO picture - Jack LeMonde sitting on a horse - Burbank, California. May 31, 1945 Pic #3

Germany is getting defeated. Nazi's are fleeing and destroying bases, equipment, documentation and executing scientists. The allies capture as much tech, documentation and scientists as they can. Massive amounts of equipment, documents and patents are shipped around the world including the USA as well as scientists. There are unaccounted for Nazi submarines on the loose and rumours of Nazi bases in the Antarctic and Artic. Also Nazis are fleeing via Spain to South America. Basically all this tech knowledge is spreading around the world whilst being kept secret on all sides. It is no surprise then that the Flying Saucer waves start in the USA in 1946. The problem with testing flying disks is you have to test them in the sky where people can see them! And if the public wants to think they are aliens, why stop them?

1945 - Jul. Trinity test (plutonium)
1945 - Aug. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (uranium, plutonium)
1945 - Operation Paperclip was the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program in which more than 1,500 Germans primarily scientists but also engineers and technicians, were brought to the United States from Nazi Germany.
1945 - researchers involved in Japanese Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation. .. Americans did not try the researchers so that the information and experience gained in bio-weapons could be co-opted into the U.S. biological warfare program, as had happened with Nazi researchers in Operation Paperclip. Though “a large number of babies were born in captivity” of Unit 731, there has been no account of any survivors of the facility, children included.
1945 - “Of greatest importance was the threat of long-term genetic damage resulting from increased exposure to radiation.” – Harold W. Baillie & Timothy K. Casey (2005). Radiation = mutation
1946 - “Ghost Rockets” over Scandinavia
1946 - Meade Layne of BSRA reports telepathic info in WELCOME? KAREETA! – ”.. mechanical bird from a planet many thousands (sic.) miles away. It is called Kareeta .. The flapping of the wings is used only when the Kareeta comes into the earth's atmosphere. .. The outer structure is made of balsam wood coated with a thin layer of alloy. The wings are operated by electrical power. The motors are very small but their power is great.“ -- people still falling for the ET idea.

This brings us up to 1947 which is very big in American UFOlogy and it should be obvious now is a continuation of ordinary human science with a strong helping of German and Nazi technology.

I am going to take a break and get back to the time-lining later, perhaps tomorrow.

Leave me feed back and encouragement! :P
phone aliens ponut.gif
This thread is very informative, has lots of information and image material. You should consider reposting it on /mlpol/.
Done >>>/mlpol/59679
I love nazi flying machines.

Pic related was going to be a god dammed coal powered ram jet. They never finished developing it before the war ended. Murrica captured the designs, but development of its engine stopped because the allies didn't have the resource shortages that prompted the Germans to investigate coal powered planes.

A part of me hopes that there is a nazi ufo base in the antarctic. I want to believe.
Just want you to know that I read this the day you posted it.
The Cosmic Conspiracy (manmade flying sauc - Stan Deyo.pdf
This is consistent with my research and explains many tangential things.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDovzK-JVUg (from 1977 TV broadcast)
Go to 58:50 you can ignore the first 1 hour of the video (and Carter's image).

Stan Deyo, USAF mathematical physicist and assistant to the FBI, explains that after the war, the technology revolution uncovered, was so disruptive to society that """they""" decided that releasing the new technology was too dangerous to social order. The plan was, and still is, to establish the technology away from ordinary society, unite Earth and then bring in the new technology. Obviously the plan is not working and Stan states that since then people less noble have since gained control of the technology. The alien scam is to attempt to make humans put aside their differences when the "alien" technology is given to all humanity. If it is given from a particular nation then the squabbling about it would continue and the technology allows addition weapons to be used in the squabbling. Basically a repeat of the nuclear problem.

I have also attached his book (1978) from one year after the video.
Evaluation of Direct Electromagnetic Propulsion in Seawater.pdf
I watched this hours ago, and I've been really enthralled in magnetohydronamic propulsion. I found out tests have been done in the 60s, which puts Deyo's predictions on par if you assume there was discussion before.
Although, that's typical of the theory, there is application magnetically done as you mentioned, just in brief I find.
Magnetism is found throughout the Universe. Magnetic fields are known to exist in planets, stars, accretion disks, the interstellar medium, galaxies and in active galactic nulcei (cf. the article on galactic magnetic fields). Often these magnetic fields are generated and maintained by magnetohydrodynamic dynamo action (e.g. the solar dynamo or planetary dynamos, which are described by hydromagnetic dynamo theory), and in many cases the magnetic field is dynamically dominant, determining the evolution of the object.
Topics studied within MHD include typical computational astrophysics topics, such as magneto-convection, MHD turbulence and hydromagnetic dynamo action. Typically, a multitude of intermittent magnetic structures are generated in such systems, e.g. magnetic flux tubes, loops, filaments and arcades. On the Sun and other stars, these magnetic structures may take the form of cool spots (sunspots) and magnetic bright points.
Magnetic structures can store enormous amounts of energy that may be released through reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection) leading to solar flares and stellar or even galactic eruptions. It is in this way that the Sun causes storms in the heliospherical magnetic field and ultimately aurorae and space weather.
>In engineering MHD is employed to study, e.g., the magnetic behavior of plasmas in fusion reactors, liquid-metal cooling of nuclear reactors and electromagnetic casting.
>Topics studied within MHD include typical computational astrophysics topics, such as magneto-convection, MHD turbulence and hydromagnetic dynamo action. Typically, a multitude of intermittent magnetic structures are generated in such systems, e.g. magnetic flux tubes, loops, filaments and arcades. On the Sun and other stars, these magnetic structures may take the form of cool spots (sunspots) and magnetic bright points.
>Magnetic structures can store enormous amounts of energy that may be released through reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection) leading to solar flares and stellar or even galactic eruptions. It is in >this way that the Sun causes storms in the heliospherical magnetic field and ultimately aurorae and space weather.
reconnection of magnetic field lines (MHD reconnection)
This is actual in line with what Deyo says about a connector or central powering system that's within range that drives the fuel(lack of? power) economy.
There's even space travel relations...
The government really does hide this stuff... And, only release the conventional. Rather than the unconventional as it should... Deyo knows why.

>the maximum theoretical efficiency would be 90 percent. Allowing for the inefficiencies introduced by finite heat transfer rates and component inefficiencies in real heat engines, a system employing an MHD generator offers the potential of an ultimate efficiency in the range of 60 to 65 percent. This is much better than the 35 to 40 percent efficiency that can be achieved in a modern conventional plant. In addition, MHD generators produce fewer pollutants than conventional plants. However, the higher construction costs of MHD systems have limited their adoption.
In general, it's much very revolutionary even in the layman's perspective which according to word of (http://battista.web.unc.edu/files/2014/02/introMHD.pdf), "Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is not a field of study for those with only high school equivalent mathematics and science knowledge... much mathematical rigor to simply understand its governing equations," I apply as layman. Nonchalantly as well. Doesn't quite matter to me in that aspect.

Again, Vril. I'm perplexed, even convinced.
Did you ever share this patent with anyone, Vril. Because I swaer you did.
According to different sources, one a blue hat and the other an obnoxiously bloviating green hat, they were not only French, but also aristos and had been missing for nearly 12 days. More importantly: they were using specifically German items: externally seamless gloves, custom fit cold weather mountaineering masks like those used on the Antarctic trips, inflatable cold weather body suits which were also externally seamless. Relatively amazing to idiots, not so much to the learned. Also, hot air balloons & pressurized steam tanks.

The true Vril Societe` may have been founded in Germany though there were a large number of French colleagues among the surviving aristos and collegiat. The battery I was telling you about is one link.
16868 18245
Hopkinsville, where to even start with that mess. The semi-maybe-possibly-official stories that Befores have major consistencies, even between the colors, though there's three main camps.

#1: the yellow hats say it was an exceptional modeling job of three to five suits attempting to run a War of the Worlds live theatre program. At the time it would make sense from an intel scouting view: see just how quickly information traveled, how many people believed, which channels would do a report on it, average levels of concern/fear/interest of the public, and so on.

#2: red hats claim they were not involved except for transport & pickup of, quote, "two or three midgets", end quote. They didn't appear to like talking about this incident specifically due to the negative attention put on them by the Afters. Not sure how much I'd trust them though.

#3: blue hats have boasted in past they cooked the entire scenario together using Estabrook handbooks right along with careful bait and switch dummies, midgets in suits, and movie props. Of the three I would suspect the blues, specifically the Before ones, more so than the other two: giant budget, Secure Purple access, black flights, and a talent pool/crisis actor roster list from Hollywood updated every other day.
17275 17316
What are "hats"??

It's an offensive slang term. The "color" terms are used to separate the various military branches and their allied agencies from another. Using it while In is an automatic discharge these days due to Un-Patriot Acts 1 & 2.
white hats=good
black hats=bad
Wrong. All of them are traitors.
19074 33113
Guidelines To Antigravity (FIXED!!) - Robert L. Forward.pdf
Imagine my surprise when this thread bursts into life without me knowing!

I have some reading to do! The Nazi's claimed using effects like this on their subs. The only theory I know of to explain this is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein%E2%80%93Cartan%E2%80%93Evans_theory

The concept is that Electromagnetic Fields are twirls in spacetime. And Gravity is bends in spacetime. The theory then would be that circular EM fields could artificially create a gravity like bend in spacetime.

I use the analogy of arranging a series of boat propellers into a cirle just under the water, when they all turn on you can produce a bump or dip in the water surface between the propellers.

Since Earth is a gravity well it exists in a kind of whirlpool (without the twisting I assume) is otherwise flat space. You can flatten out the whirlpool with strong circular EM. See paper attached. The last two torus diagrams show the concept best. Notice the final comment:

>Future progress in the control of gravitation, like all modern sciences, will require special projects involving large sums of money, men, and energy.
Dated 1962.

The same paper mentions a spherical version too, and 5 years later... see pic attach#2 and https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rencontre_de_Cussac

Amazing how much info is in the public domain once you throw aside the staged play acting. Here is some more:


The rabbit hole here is near endless.

>inflatable cold weather body suits which were also externally seamless.
You then put a lifting gas in that so you can be light weight! Then the ship can be landed without tying up because when you leave the weight change is very small.

Thank you. One of the reports mentions the shots from the witnesses hitting one of the "beings" with a metal ping, implying armor is built in. The same armor type effect has been noticed with the hairy dwarfs also.

"Before" and "After" what?

So Mothman is testing of infrasonics? Is the bridge collapse related? How do the witnesses see a flying "man" chasing a car?

These deceptions need to end.


Pic #3 for fun but the Mercury Plasma MFD correlated pretty well with pressure of 30Gpa for the modern HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ superconductor. See pic#4. Superconductors and plasmas should be able to produce very strong EMs to then be arranged to bend spacetime like Gravity. And there is no reason to do all the lifting with this alone, you can add some lifting gas to the craft for free lift, and make engine failure less of a problem.

Hairy Dwarfs on the Rampage (1954)
>So far as can be determined, the controversy – which very quickly became a matter dominated by nothing but cold, unrelenting terror – began sometime after midnight on November 28, 1954. All was normal for Jose Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez, as they traveled along a small road on the fringes of Caracas, Venezuela. Or, to be absolutely correct, all was normal for a while. The dark road was suddenly lit up by what the astonished pair could only describe as a bright ball of light, with a circumference of around three feet. It swayed slightly in the air, not unlike a small boat bobbing along on the water.

>The two slowed down their vehicle as they approached it, eventually coming to a complete halt. It was then, suddenly, that astonishment was replaced by outright terror. While Ponce stayed inside the van, Gonzalez cautiously exited the vehicle; he began to slowly and tentatively walk towards the hovering globe. Suddenly, Gonzalez found himself thrown to the ground by an unseen force. The reason why the attacker was unseen – for a few seconds, at least – was because of its size. Or, rather, its profound lack of size. Gonzalez, to his shock and fear, was finally able to see what had assaulted him: a small, hair-covered creature that was built like a man, but which was only around three feet in height. Acting on impulse and adrenaline, Gonzalez attempted to plunge his knife into the body of the creature, only for the knife to bounce off it.

http://archive.fo/jrb89 - mysteriousuniverse.org
19220 19221
Einstein had nothing to do with that. He was riding coattails after someone figured out he was stealing & rebranding patents. Imagine two whirlpools in precise opposite alignment: plasma ions. Again Vril, TechEng wasn't my field.

Correct. Germany made use of compression suits which were heat proof up to 130 degrees and cold proof down to -40 using intermix gasses. Don't let the Winter War propaganda fool you, the Soviet "Torch Men" burned their own regions to the ground while the Germans were killing 400 for every loss and destroying 20 tanks to every 1 damaged.

Spring titanium in a spaced armor configuration. Like spring steel except has a much higher chance to reflect. There are 40 companies that export 4 million pounds of animal hair each year.

Befores are part of The Three Hundred Solution. Afters like me are now The Problems, we wouldn't take oaths against our own countries. Don't talk.

No, Vril. Mothman is a convenient, cheap measure to stir trouble elsewhere so an incident goes unnoticed. Look up precisely what infrasound does, how it works, and why it scares living beings. Hint: it's how the blues first talked to the ocean. Bridge collapse not related, remove enough supports and everything falls. That last one though I don't have an answer for except for a deep suspicion.

They do, hence the need for The Problems.

Those buildings made such wonderful cover for the Chemical Corps. No flammables = everyone must stay at least 2 miles away. It's nice they demolished all their Dietrick-lite labs before being sold.

>The Three Hundred Solution

Are the Afters going to win? Is progress being made?

>Look up precisely what infrasound does

Conspiracy theories aside, the characteristics of infrasound do lend it certain possibilities as a weapon. The low frequency of infrasonic sound and its corresponding long wavelength makes it much more capable of bending around or penetrating your body, creating an oscillating pressure system. Depending on the frequency, different parts of your body will resonate, which can have very unusual non-auditory effects. For example, one of the ones that occur at relatively safe sound levels (< 100 dB) occurs at 19Hz. If you sit in front of a very good-quality subwoofer and play a 19Hz sound (or have access to a sound programmer and get an audible sound to modulate at 19Hz), try taking off your glasses or removing your contacts. Your eyes will twitch. If you turn up the volume so you start approaching 110 dB, you may even start seeing colored lights at the periphery of your vision or ghostly gray regions in the center. This is because 19Hz is the resonant frequency of the human eyeball. The low-frequency pulsations start distorting the eyeball's shape and pushing on the retina, activating the rods and cones by pressure rather than light.


Almost any part of your body, based on its volume and makeup, will vibrate at specific frequencies with enough power. Human eyeballs are fluid-filled ovoids, lungs are gas-filled membranes, and the human abdomen contains a variety of liquid-, solid-, and gas-filled pockets. All of these structures have limits to how much they can stretch when subjected to force, so if you provide enough power behind a vibration, they will stretch and shrink in time with the low-frequency vibrations of the air molecules around them. Since we don't hear infrasonic frequencies very well, we are often unaware of exactly how loud the sounds are. At 130 dB, the inner ear will start undergoing direct pressure distortions unrelated to normal hearing, which can affect your ability to understand speech. At about 150 dB, people start complaining about nausea and whole body vibrations, usually in the chest and abdomen. By the time 166 dB is reached, people start noticing problems breathing, as the low-frequency pulses start impacting the lungs, reaching a critical point at about 177 dB, when infrasound from 0.5 to 8Hz can actually drive sonically induced artificial respiration at an abnormal rhythm. In addition, vibrations through a substrate such as the ground can be passed throughout your body via your skeleton, which in turn can cause your whole body to vibrate at 4-8Hz vertically and 1-2Hz side to side. The effects of this type of whole-body vibration can cause many problems, ranging from bone and joint damage with short exposure to nausea and visual damage with chronic exposure. The commonality of infrasonic vibration, especially in the realm of heavy equipment operation, has led federal and international health and safety organizations to create guidelines to limit people's exposure to this type of infrasonic stimulus.

-- http://www.popsci.com.au/tech/could-a-sonic-weapon-make-your-head-explode,378592

>Hint: it's how the blues first talked to the ocean.

Some scientists also believe that it is used by elephants, giraffes, and blue whales to communicate over long distances.

-- https://www.mushroom-magazine.com/infrasound-frequency-fear/




More fun:

August 2nd, 1976, 4.00am, TEN MILE HILL, Tasmania, Australia
>M. Wood was returning home in the early hours. At the bottom of Ten mile Hill when driving north a screen like projection appears in front of his car, it seemed to fill the field of view. At the same time a loud distorted electrical type music sound was heard. On the screen he saw a yellow light source to the left and a large figure in profile to the right. The fig­ure was in a tight fitting black jacket and light colored trou­sers, it seemed to be turning towards the witness. Wood braked but just seemed to drive through the screen, it was over in a few seconds.

Laser on water mist? A generator?

>Hint: it's how the blues first talked to the ocean.

Blue whales?

Also Blue Hats? Air Force, Navy?

Do we communicate with whales?
You know precisely who they are. It started with a conference of builders, but you might more correctly call them social engineers. McCarthy was about to expose whom precisely in 1954? Hint: it wasn't JUST the judeo-communists and their bolshevik handlers.

Considering there are, by a sound estimate of a former colleague, 10 million Befores in just the US whom took that oath, I'd say they are vastly outnumbered. After all, slaves don't service tanks and jets, do they. Progress is like a sword blade that was never meant to be finished Herr Vril; no matter which way it swings one man is always cut. The more we move, the more desperate their measures become. The Hastings execution wasn't a one trick pony. Black boxes in vehicles were mandated several years before anyone knew about it. The tech to reach them was being perfected. Now it is perfect.

Good man. Infrasound is no longer used as an actual weapon. The chinese caught on quick: Vietnam proved that certain drugs were able to allow the human body to tolerate frequencies/wavelengths that were lethal. Probably their only real contribution since Mao Little Dick executed eighty thousand intellectuals.

NHR sites were used to conduct chemical tests alongside Atomic Energy Commission. Helium was a shitty cover ploy: Fort Dietrick executives were spread across the country after the Lyme disease incident to prevent political fallout. Didn't prevent the actual falling out. NHR sites were testing grounds for bio/chemical companies. Who made the Up that is Round and cuts your life span by 30 years on average?

Right in one. Low frequency chemical lasers were used to create holograph-like displays until journalists got wise. "Australia is a big country." Lot of US secrets there, many Afters are hoping Uranium One brings them all to light.

You know how this twisted, tiring, sick game goes for us, Herr Vril. What form of whale is covered with a skin that is wholly unnatural? The blue hats on land talk to them, but only whales receive. They're sure not as cute as the long eared race of myth, legend, and perhaps a bit of truth.
20034 70175 121954 122054

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_of_300 ???



Submarine? I can't work out the long eared part.

More fun:

See pic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Zamora_incident
The symbol, which much debate has happened over, looks like a warning label saying "Watch out jet exhaust". My guess is it is ejecting hot gasses through a electrically charged grill making ions. Pic 2. It could also be part lifting gas/airship.

Also see Attch #3
Afters don't use their name. Those freaks don't deserve recognition for the damage caused and the soon-to-occur alien invasion/saviorship movie script joke. 3 years before Soros drops his "grand plan", less if his criminal organ harvesting operations tied to CF are proven to the public.

Hastings dead dropped at least four packages. Two found, one is in FBI hands and is being used to unravel the Killary Affair. Fourth, no one knows. Imagine having access to the black box of every aircraft, Vril. That's what the Afters do not want to see. Forget the ambassador and his expendable toys donated by CF selling Stingers and black tech to "mujihadeen". Mysterious car crashes happen everywhere, next planes start dropping out of the sky being the next step.

Almost. Fort Dietrick and Plum Island were run by the same executives: former OSS/La Sia blue hats, the white hats in aerospace divisions simply created aerosolized dispersal patterns. Geo-engineering & NEXRAD are small time. They run projects as money pits for other projects and operations. Tesla Quakes in Iran, too.

Elves, herr Vril. E.L.F. is short for Extremely Low Frequencies. The blue hat to whale communications are run in a 7 hertz spectrum configuration, one to prevent listening in, the other you can figure out. An X-Files episode was dedicated to it. They were not wrong on it's dangers. ELF is being replaced by infrasound generators, dangers are even worse but cost is 20 times lower. "A few eggs-"

First outbreak was not in '75. Seagulls are pathogenic carriers, think toxoplasma gondii epidemic in homosexuals across the world, except worse. Someone's still feeding dirty information, going to take a look in that direction later.

Blue Book is pure shit. Conveniently false expositions of narrative propaganda. If you lose a weather balloon, you don't lose a job, or order someone's death. Some expensive projects have been lost all across the southern US. Radar operators die all the time. Lots of secret bases in the deserts: Aurora 1/2 & Desert Prowler came from one of them.

High Beam budget is Hollywood size now, at least a billion per year. The blue hat on board was either La Sia or took their oath. Afters don't trust any blue hat, been fucked over by deep plants before. Information war swings back and forth constantly. Remember what I stated about Rule of Three, they love abusing it. Triangulation is their shtick to use, triangulation is their downfall too.
20047 20052
It is my intent at a future time to make a detailed timeline of events from the "paranormal" side and the "projects" side. This will trivially show that these events occur as human ability is reached. It is beyond trivial to show this in a historical context, I already have a detailed chronology. This will demonstrate that any future hoax is just the same thing writ large. What I don't have is the details of the interconnections between "projects" and "events" and you do.

My purpose with all these events I have posted in this thread, and seeing your replies, is a test of this concept of me making the information infrastructure and you offering the fine details or leads.

Basically the events are questions, and you have answers (or leads to answers). Would you add onto a public facing, public domain, sensibly moderated (but with anonymous discussion below each page) Wiki of UFO etc events where the assumption is; witnesses are telling the truth and the "aliens" are lying (unless proven otherwise)? This is a third position rarely taken by people who usually go with the duality of "the witness is lying/confused" and "it's ETs! Disclosure now!"

I jokingly refer to this as "The Exposure Project" as a play on the so called "Disclosure Project". Steven Greer seems way too smooth and professionally focused.

Thoughts? Information rebellion time? Also where is the promised private chat? OPSEC :P
Also Epona Agrees :P
20053 20058
All projects and events are a straight line, the few that branch paths are less important. If the Black Hand failed their assassination before WW1 then five plans were in place to assassinate multiple regional leaders around Germany to make it appear concerted. The same scripts have been rewritten ad infinitum for over 2,500 years, Vril, only a few events are not choreographed, right until 300 year cycle rotation occurs. The necessary executions of "royalty" come to mind in the French Revolution. That scared them. Titles became less important, dropped or became disused due to lacking power. No man could kneel before bloodthirsty traitors for a time. Then the 1790's when alternate titles like "president" came to be known. Know what the britcuck meaning of president is? The owner of a corporation. History repeats when fools fail to learn previous lessons. For example this year is the Failed Uprising. Hint: the weather was too cold for Antifa to organize properly. Next year will be a repeat of the 1917 German Communist Revolution. Amusing isn't it?

Pay in mind that my focus was not TechEng, Herr Vril. What I can confirm are puzzle pieces, sometimes an outline appears, other times not.

The first two "parties" are in essence the same party: one tells the other a lie, the other believes the lie. Afters look down at the second for lack of realization. Little green men are too fantastic to start with. In 1999 everyone came to a horrifying conclusion: space is big, empty, and most importantly, dead. There's nothing out there. That's when white hats were shaken up, new blood started denying little green men stories outright, hinting at secret locations in US/Australian deserts. Lockdowns, gag orders, all attempts to silence new blood failed. Not all Afters point out super-tech,, holographic capabilities have been fairly realistic since late 70's. The more sense we make, the less "fantastic" there is. Humans want to wonder. Muller only wanted to believe. Wanting is nice but truth is always far uglier than fantasy.

Still working on it.
1918 German Communist Revolution rather. Kitty demands me to shitpost, but not right now.
20275 20283
You are me. This is.. interesting. Why are we both in the same place at the same time in very similar ways? There is a undercurrent here. A new cycle is due soon.

If we trace this back to Estabrook's in the 1930s. Soon the 100 year cycle of that is due. The maximum deceptive state will have been reached and a transformation will happen. They want the transformation to be a expansion of the deception, and we want it to end. But the cycle itself, the aggregate of all the motives in this, has it's "own" "plan". The printing press, the internet, the destroyers of control by secrecy. Logic suggests the transition to the new involves exposure of what has happened. From multiple sources, spontaneously because the past bullshit does not make self-referential logic sense. Lies can't be homogeneous, but truths always are.

>300 years.
309 Empire cycle.

It is so nice to see clearly.
Similar, not the same. We didn't enjoy duties. Hired goons invading innocent countries. No honor left in military. Marines in Battle of Fallujah 1 fought real warriors protecting their country. Scared them. Under Royal Crown Marine oath none could talk, disgrace, execution, blacklisting were only ways out. Some committed suicide. Others turned their brains off, accepted every lie as "patriotic truth". We started wearing 1984 colors. Angered the seagulls. Always laughed at them. Then Afters learned Saudis were half La Sia controlled, half kike owned. More we saw and learned the more orders were hated. Protecting international banking scheme, petro-dollar crisis wars, La Sia drug fields, the waves went on and on and on. You want to know that cycle? 1901-04 Philippines Opium Wars. I'd piss on those graves. White hats would pat each other on the back or cheer at their screens then we'd be sent to investigate a site. Wreckage and bodies, crying mothers and dead children, broken fathers. Still have nightmares. There are no gods willing to take us. We promised fraggings. Didn't say how.

Estabrooks and followers all failed. Parapsychology relies on human mind being perfect clay. Laughable. No amount of conditioning can cause humans to fully submit, fully forget. Humans are not animals, we're monsters. Think of all the legends Vril, only a monster can kill another one.
No, I do have one TechEng event for you. 1996 some thieves, from which agency is speculative, stole voice morpher tech and silenced creator. Worked on it until 1998. Remember any shocking, sworn confessions that year? Plenty were made. None real. A supply bin that was rather laden compared to others ceased to exist in 2001. No access to dialysis in caves. Slow death, poor bastard. He gave up La Sia to KGB during Soviet-Afghanistan War. White and blue hats lost thousands of agents, took grudges. Whole 15 year hunt created 9 trillion in petro-dollars and made someone's microdick tingle. That was primary reason for invasions. Sick of it.
I remember when I was younger people had respect for America, then it all faded away. It's more than a shame. There is nothing I can say that means anything in comparison to what has happened. So I wont.

Tomorrow when I am less fatigued, it has been a busy day, I thought I might throw in something from the late 70s regarding a Flying Disk with a Balkenkreuz logo on it landing in West Germany. It is the only Flying Disk sighting I know with a "owners" emblem on it. As well as some other interesting things from around that time. It seems a mini information revolution was attempted around the 70s and 80s in Germany.
Respect cannot be built on a mountain of lies. This country, among others, was built from a lie upon three lies, then nine, then twenty-seven, and so on. There was no "American Revolution". It was never a revolution, only an attempt to legitimize nu-english neo-nobility to english statesmen. The Whiskey Rebellion proved that Little Bitch Boy Georgie Washington wanted to be recognized as nobility equal to those in britshitland. Know what the britcuck meaning of nation is, Herr Vril? I'll give you a hint: it has MUCH to do with the word "president", and even more so to do with the word "enslaved". No one wants to live a lie Vril. Most Afters would rather the world glassed into a radioactive wasteland than continue it's course.
The Story of the Nazi UFO images on the internet.

In the 1988 film ( UFO ↕ Das Dritte Reich schlägt zurück? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RypA3z7EW3M ) it is claimed:

>1m-4m: A UFO Report that fell into our Hands shall now speak for itself. Truth or Fake? Here now the Report word by word: *Rheinland in Westphalen, West Germany 1979* “Saturday Evening. A spaceship, a flying saucer, is coming down from the sky to low height. It is maybe a little faster than a sportsman aircraft, but is only making singing noises. It is flying into my direction. I do have time to take a photograph when it flew over me. On the lower side it has 3 bumps and in the middle a dark blue dot. I can spot a swastika with sharp corners. / The whole Space ship is pretty big and makes a fear inducing impression. It looks very foreign. It continues flying calmly near the ground. Then, I can see that it is landing somewhere. I remember the direction, as it was the path I wanted to take anyway. In the surrounding region are only closed businesses, where nobody is around at this time of day. Behind a wall the Saucer is standing in the light of dawn, but everything is still clearly visible. / The three bumps on the lower side are equipped with wheels, who have been laid under it as it seems. The truck with the crane in the background is doing something I can not tell. There are 2 men. One under the ship and another one on the roof. There must be a hatch there, since he disappeared. Everything is very silent around here. On the saucer is a cross that looks like inverted Wehrmacht Insignia. The ship does not have any windows, but two spaced out openings (maybe covered with wire), but not with glass. / On the edges the saucer has some kind of strange plates, that looks like wheels from a turbine, but have to be something else. The three bumps and the similar looking structure on top have pipes that looks like artillery weapons. They are way too thick for antennas. In total, the ship has a size of about 18 to 20 meters. It looks threatening. Besides the truck with the crane stands another car with a registration plate from Solingen. The secret observation had to be aborted when a green Volkswagen drove into the area.”

This probably produced some excitement in the secret societys because of their beliefs in assistance from the stars.

Two films being made:
1) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095276/
2) “The Wernher von Braun Story” three-part mini series as a play documentation in German-Austrian-British co-production, with Klaus Maria Brandauer as Wernher von Braun)

These two film making groups end up in contact with each other, this facilitates contact between the secret societies and Messerschmitt, the aircraft manufacturer ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt-B%C3%B6lkow-Blohm ). Via this personal contact between Rolf Engel ( https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Engel ) and his wife occur by telephone with the producers and the secret socities. Some books are produced in Germany which has small amounts of this material.

Ralf Ettl seems to have been one of the workers for the producers making the von Braun 3 part documentary and when collecting records and going through them he sees documents and photos related to Nazi flying disks: “At the time, however, when Rolf Engel and our circle came together, he was 74 years old” [therefore 10 Aug 1986 - 10 Aug 1987] … “Photographs like sketches from Haunebu II, he said, it was real, but it was just a matter of model tests”

This information in Ettl's possession gets merged with information from Norbert Jürgen-Ratthofer. Ratthofer is associated with Wilhelm Landig ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landig_Group ) who was SS.

This leads to a book being made called Einblick in die magische Weltsicht und die magischen Prozesse ( Insight into the Magical Vision of the Magical Processes ) which is a combination of Landig's occultism and Ettl's Nazi flying disks. The Hanussen movie gets released. Then Ratthofer and Ettl release the vide "UFO Das Dritte Reich schlägt zurück?", which is at the top of this post, with the emblem of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-v%C3%B6lkisch_movements#Tempelhofgesellschaft . Around the same time a book "Deutsche Flugscheiben und U-Boote überwachen die Weltmeere. Volume 1" is released by O.Bergmann which includes some of the schematics of Haunebu and Vril disks. The author seems to be https://physics.columbian.gwu.edu/otto-bergmann

More books: “UFOs: Die Beweise” ( UFOs: The proof ) by Michael Hesemann, Göttingen & “UFOs: die Kontakte” ( UFOs: The contacts )

"Royal Atlantis Film" company releases its first film and will later make an English version of the video above. Landig is continuing to write fiction(?) books about the Nazi's and the stuff we know of as the Nazi Myths. But most importantly, in 1992, the book "Das Vril Projekt" is produced wholly devoted to the story of the Nazi flying disks. This will be updates in 2002 for the internet.

A 2nd version of the video is produced "UFO-Geheimnisse des [Dritten/3.] Reichs [Austrian Release]" ( UFO Secrets of the [Third/3rd] Reich )

At this point interest is increasing and there are books emerging carrying the information and myths. No need for me to go into the details here. The internet is starting to come in to play as well.

An English version of the video is released in 1998: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxEtseyHlNM

In 2002 an updated version of the document "Das Vril Project" becomes available online ( https://archive.org/details/DasVrilProjekt ). It is the same as the 1992 version but with extra pages expanding it from 121 pages to 409 pages.

Interesting that Bernd Angerer ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0029774/ ) who has done special effects for Lord of the Rings & Titanic did the special effects in the first Nazi flying saucer video for THG. And is credited for the English version on IMDB.

German UFOs for small people
Brisant Aug 5, 1978 Flying Disk patent.jpg

Just prior to the events in the previous post a Fake newspaper was given out at a technology fair in Germany. Pic #1 is the papers header. Pic #2 was on the back and claimed to be a secret patent.

Al Pinto claimed ( http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/nazi2.htm ) "The article also included detailed drawings of a typical WWII flying disk, did not mention the designer's name, and claimed that the drawing was altered by the West German gov't to render it “safe” for publication.”

In “Das Geheimnis der deutschen”​ Flugscheiben von Klaus-Peter Rothkugel (2002), page 156-161 we find pic #3. Then over here http://www.rexresearch.com/schwentt/schwentt.htm we have the same craft again with patent numbers:


The schematics shows multiple rooms and levels in a 5m tall craft.... how odd.

Westall, Australia 1966
22720 22722

>At approximately 11:00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School (now Westall Secondary College) were just completing a sport activity on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer-shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car, was alleged to have been seen. Witness descriptions were mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, told The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses the object was descending and then crossed and overflew the high school's south-west corner, going in a south-easterly direction, before disappearing from sight as it descended behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (primary students). After a short period (approximately 20 minutes) the object – with witnesses now numbering over 200 – then climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west. As the object gained altitude some accounts describe it as having been pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft which circled the object.[1][2]


The sighting had around 200 witnesses ranging from head masters to science teachers to regular students.

On the date in question things were as usual at Westall. Some children were playing sports out in the school yard as others were studying, and it was clear out. Then almost out of know where, what was described as a large, siverish colored, saucer shaped disk about the size of two or three cars, came hovering over the school and moved towards a wooded area and then proceeded to land.
The children at the school, of course were mesmerized as were the teachers on duty, so they jumped the fence towards the wooded area where the UFO had disappeared behind as the teachers told them to return.
According to one witness one of the girls made it over to where the UFO had landed while it was still there and was found unconscious and had to be taken away in an ambulance. According to the same witness she never returned to school after that day. Before most of the witnesses could reach where the UFO had landed it had rose up and took off at what they all said was incredible speeds. At which time the witnesses said they saw five other objects, most likely military planes chasing the object.


Latest intel:

>3.2: Grant indicated that the matter involved him in undertaking debunking interviews of school children, teachers and locals at a school in the area, to search for a lost aerial object that apparently may have come done in the sea (Port Phillip Bay?). While on-site at an American run operation, where he and his ASIO associates had to take orders, he was told by a scientist (who spoke with a heavy German accent) what was apparently really going on. That discussion was interrupted by the arrival of a senior American military officer (a general?), who chastised the scientist, saying you should not be talking to the ASIO agent. Apparently, ASIO were only involved on a strictly limited “need-to-know” basis.
>3.3: Grant apparently indicated that the scientist had told him that the operation was a combined GENERAL ELECTRIC & German operation with a US military intelligence overview.
>3.4: The operation was meant to monitor and contain an incident that involved “experimental jets,” not of conventional appearance – disc-shaped remote control (ostensibly pilotless) aerial objects – 3 altogether, with one apparently lost in the wake of the objects “landing” or coming down in the general area of the school, which was at the center of the incident.
>3.5: The objects, Grant was advised, were hazardous, that they were highly electrified and could discharge a severe electrical shock.
>3.6: The objects were apparently flying in a long flight around the world acting as a low-level downlink monitoring system for high orbit satellites, involved in monitoring the use of nuclear weapons. (A variety of high orbit and low-level monitoring operations were employed during the late 1960s, 1960s and 1970s, initially with the Russians, and then later other “rogue” states such as China. China was the main focus in the mid-1960s. See for example “Spying on the Bomb – American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea” by Jeffrey T. Richelson (2006), “The Wizards of Langley – Inside the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology” by J.T. Richelson (2001), and “Secret Empire – Eisenhower, the CIA, and the hidden story of America’s space espionage” by Philip Taubman (2003))
These objects allegedly employed a novel kind of recharging from high tension power lines, which were present on the school site. (Perhaps a form of induction which may not have required actual contact, just close proximity)
>3.7: Grant indicated he had trouble dealing with the Australian government complicity with the Americans of a “cover-up” in which people had been harmed and suppressed. “The Yanks were testing 3 German (Tesla) electric high voltage powered unmanned craft that flew by remote control via satellite around the World. These 3 amazing craft defied gravity and were silent and had to land at Westall to recharge via new technology extraction methods from high Voltage Power Lines.”
(Ron said his references to “German Tesla”/General Electric (US) “electric high voltage powered unmanned craft” may be inaccurate with respect to the reference to Tesla. Ron feels he may have introduced that element via exposure to his own research and exploration of the conversation he overheard. )


Good to see Bill Chalker looking in this direction.