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Have We any evidence for other worldly beings?
42615 42668 56165 62141
The Work you see is a work in progress in a subject as vast and extensive as this one.
Mister Vril Society Made a thread in which he asserts his premise that UFOs are man's doings & aliens man's imaginings. I am at odds with this for I have found possible evidence. In picture 1 counting from right to left we see to the right what is known as the The Starchild Skull next to an ordinary skull.
>The Starchild Skull's provenance begins in the 1930s.
>During the 1930s an American teenage girl >went on holiday to Mexico with her family, >who were of Mexican heritage. While >visiting a small village in Mexico's >Copper Canyon region she went exploring on >her own and discovered an abandoned mine >tunnel. Inside it she found a full human >skeleton lying on its back. Beside it was >an area of disturbed ground with an arm >bone sticking out of the dirt and the hand >bones wrapped around the upper arm bone of >the skeleton lying on the surface. Using >her hands she dug the buried skeleton >which she described as smaller than the >other, and "misshapen" out of its shallow grave.
>The girl gathered up all of the bones, and >hid them nearby with the intention of >returning for them later during her >vacation. She claimed that at some point >soon afterwards there was a flash flood >that washed most of the bones away, >however the girl found the two skulls, the >misshapen one now damaged, lodged in >debris along the flood path, and took them >home with her back to Texas, USA, where >she kept them the rest of her life.

Pictures 2,3,4,5, & 6 are the so called elongated Paracas skulls, potentially not of this world.
There is variety among the Paracas long skulls, which I didn't categorized. As if there were different races of long skull
humanoids. Main stream science states that these skulls are artificially deformed by headbinding.
What is funny is that if you scroll down nigh the bottom of the page you'll see picture 6 which according to Wikipedia is
Dr. Leopold Muller lithography of a fetus, in the intrauterine position, with the typical huanca skull shape in the Spanish
version of the 'Peruvian Antiquities' (1851) which was found in a mummy of a pregnant woman.
>headbinding begins approximately a month after birth and continues for about six months.
You mean to tell me that the baby's head was that way at birth, bah humbug the drawing is a fake!
What? Not enough evidence for you?
Feast your eyen upon image 5 which is a new born child. that's too shore of a time for the child's head to elongate like that. Note in image 3 we see that the hair still on the skull is a dark red which unlike the dark haired natives leads me to believe that this individual would have had a light complexion.
Excerpt fro video
"Whatever the sample labeled 3A has came from - it had mtDNA with mutation unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far. The data are very sketchy though and a LOT of sequencing still needs to be done to recover the complete mtDNA sequence. but a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate that if these mutation will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.. I am not sure it will even fit into the known Evolutionary tree. the question is if they were so different, they could not interbreed with humans. breeding within their small population, they may have degenerated due to inbreeding. That would explain buried children- they were either low or not viable."
If you would like to look at more long skulls go
here: http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/elongatedskullsancientraces.html#Middle_and_South_America
here: http://www.am-sur.com/am-sur/peru/Ica/museo-regional-de-Ica/ENGL/03-02-Paracas-culture-deformes-skulls-and-skull-operations.html
and here: https://www.youtube.com/user/brienfoerster/
pictures 7 & 8 are of the Atacama humanoid of which I'm not versed well
enough to speak of, but provide you with the fact that it exists.
Dare you figure?
50 replies and 62 files omitted.
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>potential space aliens
Potentially anything else as well, more likely humans with deformities. Why would aliens look like humans anways? There's rabbit holes going into this, but I'll save it for another time. You know, I would accept cloning or human experiments any day over this.
>Bigger criminal capacity means that the brain could be bigger makes scenes to me.
Bigger brain=!more intelliegence. It isn't the entirety of the brain, mind you, and only takes a small portion of it, so it won't be taking up much of the brain. Although it's speculative, it could be said other portions of the brain wouldn't be doing much for the Paracas' intelligence. I don't know. Unless we see their brains, we can't quite so much commentate on intelligence solidly, so there's little proof these were highly intelligent people because of their brain size. The case could be made for whales or other animals with larger brains than ours or even similar to ours like walruses; in the case of something more similar, let's give the example of Neanderthals.
Neanderthals dated 27–75 ka were predicted to have had smaller cognitive group sizes (M = 115, s.d. = 19, n = 13) than contemporary fossil AMHs, whereas fossil AMHs (M = 139, s.d. = 15, n = 32) seem to have had group sizes more in line with those demonstrated for the mean personal network sizes of living humans (figure 2). What little archaeological evidence there is offers support for this: compared with Neanderthals, contemporary Eurasian AMHs had larger [72], more geographically extensive social networks [73,74]. Group size is a convenient index of the cognitive ability to deal with increasing social complexity and may thus evidence more general differences in sociocognitive abilities between these taxa."
[see third picture]
Despite having a larger cranial capacity, they possessed lower cognitive (higher thinking) and social ability due to their brain being more dedicated to vision and body control.
Now onto deformities. Because we're discussing people with natural deformities, I'll be quoting a study of how craniosynostosis affects intelligence. You made me look at a lot of deformed kids. Something I kind of wish I didn't.
"...consistent with existing literature in showing significantly lower
intelhgence in children with syndromic craniosynostosis (mean IQ=83.1, SD=21.9)
in comparison to children with nonsyndromic craniosynostosis (mean IQ=103.4,
iS!D=14.9) and their nonafflicted peers. Despite their lower mean intelhgence,
children with syndromic craniosynostosis displayed age-appropriate rote-style
verbal and visual memory and reading skills."
And, there are other studies that either show cognitive disability or the positive effect of cranioplasty (or surgery for removing brain deformities.) People born with this abnormality are probably unlikely to be brighter than average, likely less. Longer head does not equal more intelligence, so it's unlikely your "aliens" are smart. Considering the average Peruvian IQ, which is 85, whatever inherited intelligence is inferior to Westerners. A higher estimate I found for that nation was 90, I still rest by my case. That isn't much. Also, if it isn't deformity, then it is must be kneading and we already dismissed that alien link. Your Paracas skulls show signs of kneading and artificial elongation. 300 skulls isn't much, there was a similar epidemic in Toulouse, France in which due to childcare methods, children would be left with deformed heads similar to the Paracas.
>hair though it a dark red.
That's clearly oxidation changing the colour of the hair to red over the years. You see, when left out for centuries hair loses it colour due to longterm exposure to air and basically decomposes. It's real obvious in your images.
The skull is dated 900 years ago which during the Casa Grandes era, skull deformation was practiced. It could also be hydrocephalus. The mandible like structure stumps me though if not that case. It's a rare deformity if I've ever seen one. Or, one of the more unique skull modifications. DNA tests have been ran on the skull before, there has been human genomes shown, so it's likely human nonetheless. I've seen some fucked kids before. I can show you one that in the future, someone in a hundred years will claim to be an alien too. I'll spoiler it in the next post.
>Sorry if the tone is mean I'm just losing my patients because people don't want to use their brains.
Did I strike a nerve?

>You know, I would accept cloning or human experiments any day over this.
It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not facts are facts (this is a logical fallacy the markings of a belief system). Now don't misconstrue my words I'm not saying that the existence of space aliens is a fact.
>Bigger brain=!more intelliegence...
human like creatures should have human like brains, therefore one can speculate that if they have 25% more cranial volume
they should be more intelligent.
I don't thick this is the case with the Paracas skulls, why would they all
be concentrated in one place. Some other anomalies are larger orbital cavities, several molar teeth are nonexistent, and the obvious longness of the skull.
>You made me look at a lot of deformed kids. Something I kind of wish I didn't.
I'm not sure if that was necessary.
study the Pracas skulls too. Craniosynostosis make the skull elongate back not up. What about the baby long skull and the fetus with the long skull? (Image 5 & 6 thread starter.)
>That's clearly oxidation changing the colour of the hair to red over the years.. You see, when left out for centuries hair loses it...
That's preposterous. The hair oxidized in one of the most arid most dry of places Paracas Peru, they wasn't left out they was buried duh. Lo the picture, hair still black. https://frametoframe.ca/travels/peru-travelscapes/mummies-chauchilla-cemetery-nazca-peru/
Mind you this burial isn't that far from Paracas. Here's a video for your ease and comfort in the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W8-qv3m_vc
>Anent the starchild skull
If you'd used my links and had a thorough look at my thread you would have learn some pretty interesting things about said skull. here they are for you convenience anyhow.
>Did I strike a nerve?
O my deer boy of course you Haven't. Jokes aside, I was wrong the tone is not meaner than I was on other post hither. I was melancholic yesterday because of this >>47875 I didn't expect Virl the most well read person here to stoop to the level of an ignoramus >>44302
He always quibbled. Have a read. You on the over hand actually put some effort. Props for that, you get extra credit, here's you golden star *.

The absolute Fremdschämen I feel from the respondents, almost brought me to tears. Makes me embarrassed to be a part of the human race.
Derpibooru No. 874954.png
Ah the silence of my victory.
You know I simply must declare so.
As my argument does hold water.
If one were to look at the world without a mindset of stone one would see it more for what it is than not.
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>If those last two names sound familiar, it’s probably because they had a similar “this changes everything!” moment in 2016 when DNA tests were reportedly conducted on the Paracas elongated skulls of Peru. At that time, they revealed that the test results showed the skulls were not from Peru but were not alien either. The humans were believed to have come from Europe and Mesopotamia, especially Syria. That was interesting and certainly added a twist to which humans first arrived in the Americas, but not a game-changer.
>“It appears that the largest elongated skulls on the planet have been found, “A” in Paracas, Peru and “B” in the Caucasus area in between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea… so my theory is that there was a sub-species of human which we are going to be eventually calling Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens-Paracas, and they were living in the area in between the Caspian and Black Sea.”

>“They were invaded by somebody… and so they were forced to flee.”
>“ … because of the abnormalities found with some of the Elongated Skulls from the Chongos cemetery in Peru they have no other choice but to state that some of these ancient Paracas were a sub-species of humanity… it had to be genetic, they had to be born with these abnormalities. They had dark red hair… the royal Paracas were the ones with elongated heads, not the common people… the royal family of the Paracas, they lived in subterranean underground houses and I think the reason for that is that they had light-colored skin, probably sensitive eyes because of the extreme sunshine…”

Now you doing my work for me.
>crosses the long skulls off as being space aliens.
Though there is still much to figure.

How is it that a "average" man is doing archaeological research? shouldn't the academics be looking into this? Why do you then trust anything that they tell you?
Some, but little physical evidence. The human deformities you are using in OP certainly aren't examples.

But there have been a very few cases where inexplicable phenomenon have been documented. Every one of these cases have all had one single thing in common: The individual(s) involved in the phenomenon have all been involved with the occult. There ''are'' ayylmaos alright, and they are all demonic beings.
All I can say to you is take a thorough read through my thread.
>The individual(s) involved in the phenomenon have all been involved with the occult.
I would like you to prove that.
even vril the blockhead he is, finally found out that true long skulls (which have not been elongated but) are indeed naturally so! See >>53225
Be logical. Logic is the ability to reason without believe systems which interfere.
It's good to learn about Space aliens, however the posthumanist agenda is more worrying to me than space aliens. It poses great peril to life; our existence as we know it and freedom.
>Have We any evidence for other worldly beings?
I think there are still a few of those "jew" things running around.
Eh? Whatever that means, it doesn't inspire me with much hope for the human race.