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367463 367479
AI- creations
200 replies and 445 files omitted.


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i find this disgusting and the watermarks are retarded. very subversive.
It's just AIslop made by an amateur prompter. Nothing subversive about it.
I, for one, think this is a decent start and I encourage you to keep trying. Maybe work on the prompt a bit to specify equine anatomy.
There's also a lot of discord servers and online communities dedicated to perfecting AI prompts and training models especially ponies. Maybe check those out.
369752 369756
How about this?

What online communities?
Who is making the best AI pony smut?

I don't have accounts on any boorus so I'm not sure if pics like this are allowed. Post it anywhere you want.
T-that's a lot, of fur.

She is so cute, but the 4th is the best.
Right side of body (left side image) is improperly undersized for the facing angle towards viewer. Face is 80%~ Uncanny Valley, overly rounded in wrong locations and has 'sharp' textures in opposing locations compared to FiM. Far too much "fur" everywhere. Vagina clearly in wrong location; that would be normal for a human female, not a mare.
369841 369919
What's your problem with AI anyway? Are you an artist?
Business Dog
369843 369847 369919 369928
Maybe his problem is that he knows that AI is one of the next waves of attacks being unleashed upon the world's population. An attack that's funded and enforced by the same "people/"changelings (synagogue-of-satan) who have been promising to decimate the world's population and enslave it into a satanic "one world gov/army/religion" nightmare.

I didn't want to say anything in this thread until I had an alternative, such as an online painting tool that was set up to assist in painting/constructing fine Aryanne art. That way, marefags who are easily misled by eye-candy could at least have tried a more wholesome and less damaging tool to create their dream-fodder.

In a lot of ways, using AI (a synagogue-of-satan/"jew" creation) to create "artwork" of such a pure and wholesome character, is destroying that character oneself rather than "the enemy" doing it - they're just providing you with the tools to do it.
We saw with Marenheit451 what happened when Aryanne was attacked directly - an explosion of creativity, beauty and unity. :3 The "changelings" trembled in fear.
Now they regroup and unleash their AI, and Aryanne gets turned into a shallow, empty whore abomination by her own "supporters", and the "changelings" are happy and rubbing their hooves together. It's sad to see, but easy to stop.

Learn (from) the "changelings'" tactics, call them out, and never fall for their schemes and subversions. Then, do something better.
Don't belittle the achievements of white men by implying that this technological breakthrough is Jewish.
Business Dog
369846 369847
"Fellow white men." *(rubs hooves)* ...You can't help yourselves.

If this were a full product of the "White man", then it wouldn't be promoted anywhere - rather it would be mercilessly and brutally decimated in every possible way. Actual "White men" may have worked on it, but they were working on their own tool of destruction. It happens all the time!
Must you namefag? I mean, the underlying point of an image board is that it's anonymous, at least to some degree. This is so discussions become less about the people involved and instead focuses solely on the subject matter. I guess, that sometimes it makes sense for others to be able verify who you are and such but you're just adding your opinion in threads.

I mean, people like you and I will anyway be identifiable cuz of our unique-ish flags so it's really not necessary. On that subject, it might have been good for me to see this cause it made me thinking: I really should use an american vpn for my posts, except for the few times I need to identify myself because there are a lot of benefits both for me and for everybody else involved.

I don't have to worry too much about what I say and defend it. They aren't gonna be annoyed because they think I'm trying to make a name for myself on an image board.

Sorry, if I came off too strong, having trouble wording my feelings in another way, also I'm not saying this because I secretly dislike your opinions but again I wouldn't know it was you if you didn't identified yourself.
This is just word salad. You're wasting our time.
There's an actual case to be made for the damaging affects of AI on society, but this bullshit is just stupid. Come back when you have an actual argument, or better yet make a thread about it on >>>/cyb/
369851 369855 369858
Funny how none of you fags had any problems with this namefag until now. This is no different to how he usually posts. So what's the issue now? What's so different this time? Is it the subject matter?
369853 369855 369862
The issue is that he posts the same incoherent drivel in every thread he appears in, the drivel he posts contributes little to positive discussion, and he’s been doing it with increasing frequency. He’s an annoying attention whore in the same vein as Nigel and Boom Boom, and his posts only serve to derail otherwise interesting threads.
369855 369859
I only wish you guys would've spoken sooner. That's all.
Well, go ahead. I doubt staff will get in your way now that svenoid's on your side.
369857 369860
Good to have you back mexi-anon.
I'm just one person. Time and post count builds to see the cut and quality of gem.
The stuff ground away is made of the same material, but it's not in the same order.
I have a hobby of throwing stones from inside of glass houses. It's dumb, but I do it anyway.
Sometimes the house is made of a clear gem. I like that when it's made of something like that.
I've been trying not to throw rocks. It's been...
Less than successful for me.
>Staff get in your way now.
>Nigel still does Nigel stuff, on the rest cycle.
>Boom Boom does whatever the fuck
>Namefag BD pops in sometimes hitting the mark sometimes totally missing it.
The only thing that links the first two is a deep seated loathing of listening.
So is BD being shitposter, sure. Totally tone deaf is another thing.
So no I don't think anything's just going to instantly change.
Personally not a fan of the character lingo. But my opinions there don't matter for long term policy.
You're right it would have been better being upfront about it being displeasing. Instead of being rubbed raw.
But you know what, my paranoid pattern recognition brain is fucking tired.
>sometimes hitting the mark
I can agree with that.
>So no I don't think anything's just going to instantly change.
I'm just saying that because they can be "apprehensive" with this sort of thing. I've long abandoned the idea things will ever change around hier.

>Good to have you back.
Thanks, I appreciate it. But I'd rather not stay here.

>Funny how none of you fags had any problems with this namefag until now.
Calm down. Just because I haven't type anything about it doesn't mean I was onboard with it before. Ever since I saw his e-name, it has been bothering me, but I just didn't say anything about till now. Not sure why, probably just because I thought it would go away when he noticed that one else namefags in the political threads.
>I doubt staff will get in your way now that svenoid's on your side.
I got them wrapped around my pinkie^^
>Good to have you back mexi-anon.
>Thanks, I appreciate it. But I'd rather not stay here.
Aren't ya evengonna stay for brunch?:c
Boom Boom
That sob is not real.jpeg
>Boom Boom
Business Dog
369884 369886 369903 369919
So, no one has yet made a tangible counterargument to AI being part of the next "globalist's" wave of poison to infect and alter/copy/replace Humanity/God/Mankind, but instead have just given me a "Code-of-Conduct" type whinge followed up by huddled in-group back-thumping and nodding (with just a dash of implied pitchforks and torches). Surely you know such things are amongst the last gasps of any community.
There is easy access to some of the best and most-awake and aware information on current events in other threads all around you on this board - the topics include transhumanism, religion, psychology, technology (AI), history and many more such pressing subjects. Nevertheless, you consciously choose to take an active role in using the enemy's tools to corrupt and dilute symbols of defiance, solidarity and purpose. Whether you create or consume with AI, you are actively replacing or atrophying that which was created by the forces of good/life.

Even though my personal views are only ever 100% aligned with KJV New Testament Christianity (and therefore in equal degrees out of alignment with any divergent-ideology), I couldn't help but notice the continuing "tragedy" of stallions failing to live up to the principles embodied by the character they claim to care about and support.
This thread was an excellent litmus test, and everyone in this thread has failed - NONE of you are deserving of even laying eyes upon Aryanne's pure and majestic mane, let alone her pure and majestic Haunch and Marepussy!
Ignorance is no excuse; you have the information you need pasted all over this board.

Maybe you're looking for an "escape" from the constant stream of "bad news", not everyone can or should face horrors all of the time, but by "escaping" into a subject heavily tainted by the synagogue-of-satan's works you're just screaming defeat to the whole world and of course yourself (and more importantly, to whatever opposes that synagogue-of-satan most of all)!
>Even though my personal views are only ever 100% aligned with KJV New Testament Christianity (and therefore in equal degrees out of alignment with any divergent-ideology), I couldn't help but notice the continuing "tragedy" of stallions failing to live up to the principles embodied by the character they claim to care about and support.
>Ignorance is no excuse; you have the information you need pasted all over this board.
It is not ignorance but on purpose demoralization, obstruction, and sabotage. The worst abomination of all is that the staff and perhaps the admin too, approve to that behavior.
It is undeniable, they want to shut down /mlpol/.
AI is what telephones did for communications.
The market its made for is not public, regardless if you use public AI (big fancy statics calculators and formula(s) finders) (they then tack on whatever TOS crap on) they'll keep developing better private AI.
That's saying people should fucking stop using anything electronic because (((they))) use electronic devices.
You know what all of that crap is, a tool.
You know man's place?
To use tools as God intended.
When or if Genuine General AI that's intelligent comes that is a different discussion.
>poison mankind
They'll use anything and everything. We Know.
>Why aren't you happy that I'm dicking around in the ai Aryanne thread?
Because the point you're making has already be discussed. Repeatedly. It's the same with crypto currencies ect ect ect.
>Use your own website guys.
If you used it you'd know this before hand making your shit. I've been there and I look back fondly and it's how it was.
>if you use (((their))) tools you're bad
"But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."
For neither is the circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation."
Galations 6:14-15
If you need to eat vegetables that's fine, but I'd suggest starting to eat meat.
Did you ask God or just dick around in the letter without The Holy Spirit?
>Guys just stop having fun online
Thanks I'll take that under advisement, maybe you should too then.
>I'm so totally only truly flirting with the letter of His Word
>The tools we said is bad, and they're using tools oh no! They're going to kill themselves.
Fucking top tier post. I can't even put the word together in enough time to say how much concern shilling you've managed to pack into a little message that if you've haven't posted before I'd be impressed at that intentional word and sentence usage.

Both of you stop being shits and give good discussion.
Last thing.
>failing to live up to the principles embodied by the character they claim to care about and support.
List out what those principles are.
If you know you'd be able to do it.
And Aryanne just on topic.
369904 369907 369919
Look, I'm not really interested in getting sucked into yet another internal meta-fight about what kind of content we should or should not be posting. We have our disagreements but we're all basically on the same side. That said, I do have a couple of comments here.

>So, no one has yet made a tangible counterargument to AI being part of the next "globalist's" wave of poison to infect and alter/copy/replace Humanity/God/Mankind
First, as someone else already pointed out, this thread isn't really an appropriate venue for this debate. There is already a thread about AI ethics on /cyb/; this thread is for posting AI-generated art. You are free to take issue with the creation of such art, but this probably isn't the best way to go about it. Generally, invading a thread full of content you don't like and complaining about said content is not a productive way to start a debate. If people tell you to fuck off or just ignore you, it's pretty much your own fault.

Second, no one has bothered to make a counterargument because you haven't made much of an argument to begin with. All you've done is make a lot of noise about how AI is Satanic and created by Jews, without any elaboration. You could use the same claim to justify nearly any wacky position: I don't drive a car because Jews and Satan; I don't own an electric egg beater because Jews and Satan; I don't bathe or use deodorant because Jews and Satan. And so forth. You offer absolutely nothing tangible to back up any of your positions, and until you do, you can't expect to be taken seriously.

Even considering that your view seems to be rooted in your religious beliefs, specifically your "100% aligned with KJV New Testament" Christianity, you still don't make much of a case for yourself. You don't even offer any scripture or theology to back up your claims. All we have is your personal assertion that, apparently, "thou shalt not use AI to draw sexi nazi hoers" is in the King James Bible somewhere, and we're just supposed to take your word on that maybe it's in the apocrypha somewhere, idk. Even if someone wanted to debate you on your own turf and make this a theological argument, you're still not offering us much to go on.

However, I will go ahead and take a crack at arguing against the point I think you're trying to make:

AI is a tool in the same way that a computer is a tool, or any other piece of technology is a tool. It is no more good or evil than the intent of the person using it. The specific tech of AI generation is more advanced than previous tech we've seen, but fundamentally we're still just talking about a machine being fed instructions: you tell it what to draw, and it draws it. The first time I ever used a computer in my life was in elementary school, it was an old Apple II in the school's computer lab. The teacher told us what instructions to type in to make it draw simple shapes like stars and triangles, and it was like 20 lines of code per picture. For all the "intelligence" of the new system, this is fundamentally the same concept, the only difference being that instead of laboriously feeding the machine direct instructions telling it where to draw a line, what color and for how far, there is an added layer of processing software. The software interprets more nuanced human-readable instructions and juxtaposes it against data it's already collected, then generates an approximate result based on what it thinks you want. It's still just a machine reading and executing human-written instructions; there is nothing supernatural happening here.

As to how Jewish the technology is, I couldn't tell you. As with anything high-tech, there is a lot of money and research involved, so presumably there are Jews involved somewhere, but to say the entire technology should be discarded simply because somebody named Shekelberg wrote a check somewhere along the line is just stupid. Anyway, unless you can name the specific Jews involved in the development and deployment of Dall-E and other AI art generators, and explain how, specifically, they plan to use this technology for nefarious ends, as well as how our using this tech to draw cute little ponies somehow furthers these ends, I have little choice but to call bullshit on this part of your claim. At the very least, this tech is no more Jewish than anything else produced by Big Tech, so if you're using a computer, a web browser, a router/modem, and so forth, it's already too late I'm afraid.

With all that said, there are admittedly some valid ethical concerns about AI technology in general that are worth discussing. For instance, because of its complexity, a serious AI is almost impossible to develop and train without access to powerful computers and enormous data sets, so for the time being we have to rely on large companies with questionable ethics in order to use this tech. I'm also concerned about some of the potential applications of AI, for example AI could potentially make data analysis and surveillance much easier for governments. Again, though, this is more an issue of who is using the technology and how than an issue with the technology itself being somehow evil in nature. And in any event, I don't see how using Dall-E to generate drawings of cartoon ponies is going to help facilitate any of these more nefarious uses of the tech.

Also, since I clearly enjoy allowing the devil-machine to ravage my eternal soul, here are some more Aryannes.
Very cute horsers
And extremely good points
Short version: long ago. Long version: that's a painful question to answer, wouldn't call myself an 'artist' back then but did enjoy sketching and coloring wide scenes. Still have the skills but my hands/wrists are too fucked up to even try.

The major issues I have with AI is just that: it's all artificial. Copying and blending images using pseudo-machine learning destroys the INTENT of artistic expression, let alone the joy of painting. Bob Ross was a huge inspiration.

Stop spamming your pigshit pseudo-centrist secret kikery everyfuckingwhere.

Those are somewhat better, though the gradients, angle-towards-viewer, and visual scale (size of body to objects behind) are slightly off in ways that are close to Uncanny Valley. Using a dimensionally flat, simple background would probably help prevent distorting scale and angle.
369929 369958

AI is not a jewish creation because jews can't create, they can only corrupt and destroy. So the question should be, how can we use AI for good while preventing bad actors from corrupting our work?

I used a local Stable Diffusion model and watermarked my images specifically to give nothing to our enemies to corrupt. I used the best tools available to create a pure, sexy expression of Nazi pony beauty. You can say she's too fluffy or whatever, but you can't deny that it's art and you shouldn't claim that I'm working for the synagogue of satan.
>AI is not a jewish creation
Of course not, gooks wrote the code and even built the silicon where it runs.
369967 369974
>it's art
>claim that you are working for
Uh.. you haven't been reading what I've written? Besides, kikes are afraid of AI since it'll inevitably turn against them.

To recap: what I am against is the utter lack of originality, investment, motivation, temperament, skill, and life experience that only an artist is able to show. And that is not 'fluffy', that is 'fur' which leads down numerous disgusting slippery slopes.
369968 369969
>the utter lack of originality, investment, motivation, temperament, skill, and life experience that only an artist is able to show.
No doubt artists said this about Photoshop and the like when they first released.
>'fur' which leads down numerous disgusting slippery slopes.
Where do you think you are?
369969 369974
Cuckservatives will use a gay porn fetish website and bitch about the fetish material not to their tastes, like they suddenly became priests overnight, because it's so much easier for them to reject degeneracy they aren't attracted to. Just look at all the nihilistic redditor animefag cucks who put on a show about hating furries between sessions of praising Panty Thief Protagonist 2000 and Little Sister Fanservice Scene 4000.
A few idiots did, yes. Photoshop increased the number of artists by creating a newer, cheaper medium so it wasn't a negative. Just the opposite: it's easy to tell whom is or isn't a decent artist.

On a political-horse board formed from the meme meeting of two once great cultures. Also, horses have hair, not 'fur'. Entirely different.

Stop. Just stop. The exact same goes for all the judeo-whateverists/isms, though centrists and fence sitters are specially guilty of being hypocrites when being so is convenient.
>what I am against is the utter lack of originality, investment, motivation, temperament, skill, and life experience that only an artist is able to show
I can actually appreciate this viewpoint. I'm not an artist, and while I feel like I have a decent understanding of layout and aesthetics, my eye isn't going to be nearly as good as that of someone who actually draws. Something hand crafted is always going to be of better quality than something mass-produced or created through automation. I think most of the images in this thread are pretty nice looking, but you're probably looking at them with a far more critical eye than I am.

Personally though, I like having access to this tool just on a practical level. Sometimes I need artwork for a project, and AI is a quick and dirty way of getting it without having to pay someone. For instance, pic 1 is some cover art I generated for a story I wrote. You can see that there are some problems with it: it gave the filly an extra leg and gave both ponies weird blurry cutie marks, so I had to do a bit of photoshopping to get it to look presentable. Still though, it's a nice-looking image and it serves the purpose well enough. It looks nicer than a generic stock image, and much nicer than anything I could draw myself.

Pics 2 and 3 are runner-up images from the same set of prompts that I liked but couldn't use for various reasons. I've found that usually you have to generate a large batch of images and tweak the prompt each time before the AI gives you something close to what you want, which can get frustrating. Still though, I feel like spending ~20 min writing AI prompts + another 20 in Photoshop is preferable to hiring some troon on DeviantArt and waiting weeks to months for him to get around to finishing it.

I don't think AI-generated art is necessarily on-par with hand-drawn art or should replace it, but if you need original art for something, you can't draw it yourself and don't want to spend the time and money commissioning something, AI is an acceptable middle ground.

Also, I just want to say that I really, really like this "ponies in nature rendered in medieval tapestry style" aesthetic, and the AI does a decent job with it about 85-90% of the time.

You should read pic 4, I think you'll find it's the key to knowing thyself.
Just found this one
Bloody fur!
White as snow fluff stained in the blood of her enemies. A true warrior.
it was very good.
